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Unable to connect a 9200T to a Samsung LED TV

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    I have tried to connect a 9200T to a Samsung LED TV UE40E S6800UXXU. The scart leads and aerials are all plugged in as required. The scart is connected to the EXT (RGB)plug on the TV using Samsung's own adaptor cable which came with the TV.
    The TV cannot "find" the Humax at all so "setup" is not taking place.
    Is there a way of connecting from Scart to one of the many HDMI sockets as an option?

    | Mon 29 Apr 2013 9:17:47 #1 |
  2. brian


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    Have you selected the "Ext." source with the TV remote control, as I don't think that auto switching is supported by some Samsung TV's.

    | Mon 29 Apr 2013 9:36:20 #2 |
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    Hi Robl,

    I can see we're all being pushed down the hdmi route.

    I can't find a manual and the samsung 800+ page online one is a joke

    Does the tv actually have a scart socket?
    or do you have an adapter cable from component to scart
    or does it have a proprietary samsung ext/rgb socket to scart adapter cable?

    If the samsung has a scart socket then as Brian said it should just be switching to Ext or AV1 or similar from the remote

    If you have a component adapter cable then you may need to set the samsung in a menu somewhere to RGB rather than component, make sure the colour coding of the adapter cables is correct

    If you have a proprietary rgb adapter then make sure your scart cable is inserted into the adapter correctly and none of the pins are bent. You may still need to set this up in a samsung setup menu somewhere as some tv's did allow component over scart so change this to rgb if an option (you may see 576i which is correct and not 1080i which would be wrong). You'll also need to check that the 9200t is outputing rgb.

    Some scart leads didn't have all the pins connected so you may have been watching composite video or s-video up until now on your old tv. Most scart leads can have the cable grip unscrewed and opened and you can see if you have roughly 21 wires or 6. Sometimes reversing the scart lead can help

    So to recap.
    check you're switched to Ext, AV1 or similar on the samsung
    check any comnponent/rgb option in samsung setup menu
    check the 9200t is actually outputting rgb
    check scart cable for bent pins
    check scart cable for number of connected wires, ideally it needs to be fully wired, most are these days

    if it's still not working then let us know

    | Mon 29 Apr 2013 11:43:54 #3 |
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    Thanks Brian and Damian.
    I changed the gold plated scart lead for a dirt cheap one that I had and I now have connection!

    I do have to select Ext manually from the Samsung menu because there is no automatic source swap. Pressing the record button on the Samsung controller does not recognise the Humax as a recording device either.
    It's supposed to be a ""smart" TV too !!
    So I need to select "Ext" and use the Humax reording facility that way.

    | Mon 29 Apr 2013 23:22:42 #4 |
  5. gomezz


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    Could be the old dirt cheap SCART lead has had its Pin 8 cut which would stop auto-switching. Did you try reversing the gold-plated lead to see if that gave a connection?

    Before you can use the Samsung remote to record you would need to tell it that it is a Humax 9200T that it is needed to control. Assuming that the Samsung remote is one that does have multi-device support.

    | Tue 30 Apr 2013 5:13:57 #5 |

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