My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S

Unit going into standby despite menu setting

(7 posts)
  1. Corrigap


    Joined: Aug '14
    Posts: 38


    Hi all, my first post here.

    I have Automatic power down set to off but the box still keeps going into standby mode. I work at home and take regular breaks in front of the telly to catch up on the news etc so this is getting a bit irritating. I also have standby mode set to normal, if that's of any relevance here.

    Is there anything else I can try?

    Thanks in advance,

    | Wed 6 Aug 2014 15:28:38 #1 |


    special member
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    Have you checked the TV settings (For an auto standby option)?
    Most TV's also have this setting and what with HDMI-CEC it is very difficult to know what turned what off.

    | Wed 6 Aug 2014 16:00:23 #2 |
  3. Barry


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    My Philips TV has a software bug that switches this on from time to time (even though I have disabled it) result is the HDR being put into standby when I switch TV off.

    | Wed 6 Aug 2014 16:06:27 #3 |
  4. Corrigap


    Joined: Aug '14
    Posts: 38


    @ Repassac and Barry

    Thanks for the tip.

    Yes, I had a problem with HDMI-CEC early on so I turned this off on my TV. The box turns off quite some time after the TV has been turned off, say an hour or so, I haven't actually hung around to check the timings involved. But the box is certainly still on immediately after the TV has been turned off.

    | Wed 6 Aug 2014 19:10:58 #4 |


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    Corrigap - 52 minutes ago  » 
    @ Repassac and Barry
    Thanks for the tip.
    Yes, I had a problem with HDMI-CEC early on so I turned this off on my TV. The box turns off quite some time after the TV has been turned off, say an hour or so, I haven't actually hung around to check the timings involved. But the box is certainly still on immediately after the TV has been turned off.

    Still check the TV settings - had the same problem here after the HDR-1000S was turned off. It Was the Philips TV. Think this must be EEC standard.

    | Wed 6 Aug 2014 20:05:34 #5 |


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    REPASSAC - 22 seconds ago  » 

    Corrigap - 52 minutes ago  » 
    @ Repassac and Barry
    Thanks for the tip.
    Yes, I had a problem with HDMI-CEC early on so I turned this off on my TV. The box turns off quite some time after the TV has been turned off, say an hour or so, I haven't actually hung around to check the timings involved. But the box is certainly still on immediately after the TV has been turned off.

    Still check the TV settings - had the same problem here after the HDR-1000S was turned off. It Was the Philips TV (standard settings). Think this must be EEC standard.

    | Wed 6 Aug 2014 20:06:39 #6 |
  7. Corrigap


    Joined: Aug '14
    Posts: 38


    Ok, I turned off the HDMI-CEC control completely on my Samsung TV and that seems to have done the trick. Before, I had only turned off the 'Auto turn off' function which did actually prevent the box from being turned off immediately.

    Thanks for the tip Repassac

    | Thu 7 Aug 2014 10:23:34 #7 |

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