My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

What's the best box?

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    Many apologies, I'm a newb just here to ask your advice. I currently use an Humax T1000 Youview 500gb but it has become incredibly slow to navigate since the recent software update and the BBC iPlayer has just started quitting unexpectedly before playing any programmes. I need to get another box but I need some recommendations. These are my priorities:

    - a cast iron iPlayer app that works and will continue to work for the next 2-3 years. (Since my Panasonic smart TV can no longer run iPlayer because of Capitalism and Inbuilt Obsolescence).
    - As little lag as possible between pressing a button on the remote and the action happening. I hate that pregnant pause waiting for the channel to change or the cursor to move around the EPG.
    - A way to access the videos on my NAS - a QNAP which currently streams to my Panasonic TV (using er...DNLA or something).
    - All the usual recording capabilities. A method to transfer them off the box would be a bonus.

    The spec of the FVP-5000T would seem to fit the bill but I’m put off but reports of sluggish UI and unreliable units. What would you recommend?

    | Sat 30 Dec 2017 22:06:50 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Welcome to our Forum

    Have you tried a soft reset and/or maintenance mode rest on your YV unit?

    See FAQ

    | Sun 31 Dec 2017 9:04:22 #2 |
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    Resetting the software has improved performance of the box and iPlayer seems to work now, thanks Barry!

    I'd still be keen to hear what users think of the FVP-5000T.

    | Tue 2 Jan 2018 9:24:30 #3 |
  4. Barry


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    sirdavy - 1 day ago  » 
    Resetting the software has improved performance of the box and iPlayer seems to work now, thanks Barry!
    I'd still be keen to hear what users think of the FVP-5000T.

    FVP 5000T - To much emphasis is reported re the speed of this unit to be honest, comparisons to older units is ridiculous, this is a completely new UI (4000T excepted) Reports that the recordings list takes 3 seconds to appear are laughable - 3 seconds I ask you.

    The advantages far outweigh any shortcomings.

    The unit I have has so far not missed a beat - often have 4 test simultaneous timers recording, to that end I have auto delete enabled, and this works as expected.

    | Wed 3 Jan 2018 13:07:57 #4 |
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    Barry has hit it in one. We have a 2 TB model and are really pleased with it. Once you get used to the new ui, it Ticks all the boxes.
    Over the Christmas period we recorded 37 programmes including 4 at the sane time on more than one occasions without a problem.
    Our recorded programmes are show in list mode, and come up on the screen almost immediately .
    Apart from the 4000t I'm not aware of another Freeview Play recorder with the same capabilities on the market.
    The reproduction of both audio, & visual on recordings are superb.

    | Wed 3 Jan 2018 19:43:31 #5 |
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    Barry - 1 day ago  » FVP 5000T - To much emphasis is reported re the speed of this unit to be honest, comparisons to older units is ridiculous, this is a completely new UI (4000T excepted) Reports that the recordings list takes 3 seconds to appear are laughable - 3 seconds I ask you.

    Well, we don't buy PVRs to admire the recordings list, we buy them to actually play the recorded programs and that takes a minimum of 17 seconds (on the rare occasions when the dedicated "recorded programs" button actually works first time). And that timing only holds true for the first few items in the "recorded programs" list. It takes an average of 25 seconds before the programs at the bottom of the list can be accessed and played - and my list is only a quarter full!

    Just remind yourself what 17 - 25 seconds looks like in real time:

    and you'll see that the only "laughable" thing here is that in 2018 a PVR takes 17 - 25 seconds and 3 or 4 button presses to do what my 2013 Humax PVR9150T did in 2 seconds and 2 button pushes.

    But I can certainly see why you shy away from comparisons.

    | Thu 4 Jan 2018 15:43:05 #6 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    Marius - 6 minutes ago  » 

    Barry - 1 day ago  » FVP 5000T - To much emphasis is reported re the speed of this unit to be honest, comparisons to older units is ridiculous, this is a completely new UI (4000T excepted) Reports that the recordings list takes 3 seconds to appear are laughable - 3 seconds I ask you.

    Well, we don't buy PVRs to admire the recordings list, we buy them to actually play the recorded programs and that takes a minimum of 17 seconds (on the rare occasions when the dedicated "recorded programs" button actually works first time). And that timing only holds true for the first few items in the "recorded programs" list. It takes an average of 25 seconds before the programs at the bottom of the list can be accessed and played - and my list is only a quarter full!
    Just remind yourself what 17 - 25 seconds looks like in real time:
    and you'll see that the only "laughable" thing here is that in 2018 a PVR takes 17 - 25 seconds and 3 or 4 button presses to do what my 2013 Humax PVR9150T did in 2 seconds and 2 button pushes.
    But I can certainly see why you shy away from comparisons.

    I currently have 235 recordings. To get from the top to the last took 8 seconds. However a sort capability on reverse date/time would be appreciated. It's not a very realistic thing to do. I can't remember the last time I wanted to find the oldest. Normally looking for a specific recording so CHANNEL or DAY OF THE WEEK is handy.

    To play the first recording from pressing recordings took 10 seconds.

    | Thu 4 Jan 2018 15:59:24 #7 |
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    I wonder just how many recordings Marius has.
    As 235 recordings on the List that Graham has only took 10 seconds.
    Per haps Marius should really come back to the real world.
    or does he take a deep breath first, just to see how many numbers he can get to before taking another one.

    | Thu 4 Jan 2018 16:18:33 #8 |
  9. grahamlthompson


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    john1 - 51 seconds ago  » 
    I wonder just how many recordings Marius has.
    As 235 recordings on the List that Graham has only took 10 seconds.
    Per haps Marius should really come back to the real world.
    or does he take a deep breath first, just to see how many numbers he can get to before taking another one.

    No idea. It's not a reasonable thing to do. The better half and I usually take longer to decide what we want to watch next, rather than the time it takes to locate it and play it back

    | Thu 4 Jan 2018 16:22:03 #9 |
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    exactly. for someone who claims to actually like the box,
    but only submits post to moan about it, only proves that he made a mistake actually buying the box in the first place but won't accept it.
    my final question is Does he like it, or not ?
    perhaps it's time to let people with genuine questions and Queries to get some help from this forum.

    | Thu 4 Jan 2018 16:58:34 #10 |

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