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Where is "+" symbol on Harmony Elite

(42 posts)
  1. aldaweb


    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 400


    Are all the buttons on the Harmony remotes configurable for a long press or is it restricted.
    So far I'm finding it much less configurable than the Xsights, and I'm dissappointed it doesn't work with my Hive setup, though it does control the Fire TV.

    | Thu 9 Aug 2018 17:08:47 #11 |
  2. RogerB


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    It looks as though it might depend on which remote you have and which "box" you are using. As has been said already, on the FVP units there are some buttons that cannot be reassigned, their usage being restricted to the broadcaster. Someone clever will be along shortly to give a more detailed response. R-

    | Thu 9 Aug 2018 17:35:00 #12 |
  3. gomezz


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    I use the MyHarmony app on my laptop to customise my Harmony remote and can make it do just about anything including coding the binary string for the hidden Recordings function on my Youview PVR which does not have a dedicated button on the native remote (so cannot be learned).

    I have been assuming that you have been using MyHarmony to set up your remote when talking about using Long Press and Short press functions?

    | Sat 11 Aug 2018 7:58:45 #13 |
  4. RogerB


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    Yes I have Gomezz. R-

    | Sat 11 Aug 2018 8:47:35 #14 |
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    Geez a Lou, all this long press, short press, this press, that press, allocate this button or that button. The device is supposed to make life easier not demanding a high mensa score just in order to use it.

    You just can't beat one remote for each device, keeping it simple is often the best policy.

    | Sun 12 Aug 2018 13:06:39 #15 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    Faust - 1 hour ago  » 
    Geez a Lou, all this long press, short press, this press, that press, allocate this button or that button. The device is supposed to make life easier not demanding a high mensa score just in order to use it.
    You just can't beat one remote for each device, keeping it simple is often the best policy.

    The opposite is the case especially when you have a lot of kit with a complex connection arrangement.

    My better half can turn on the system and then watch the desired source with a single button using the harmony remote. Give her all the remotes she wouldn't know where to start and neither would my 19 year old grandson. I have omitted my projector remote from the pictures.

    To watch say My HDR-1000S requires The HDR-1000S, the Yamaha AV remote and the TV remote. One remote on the Chair consider what you would need to have at hand as shown in the following photos.


    1. HarmonyRemote.jpg (134.6 KB, 0 downloads) 6 years old
    2. AllRemotes.jpg (165.7 KB, 0 downloads) 6 years old
    | Sun 12 Aug 2018 14:59:35 #16 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    Apologies attached wrong photo for all remotes


    1. AllRemotes.jpg (161.2 KB, 1 downloads) 6 years old
    | Sun 12 Aug 2018 15:04:21 #17 |
  8. RogerB


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    Faust - 3 hours ago  » 
    Geez a Lou, all this long press, short press, this press, that press, allocate this button or that button.

    It does sound rather complicated - but once you get your head around it and get it all set up, it is amazingly simple. I am down from 4 remotes to one. Harmony CS are very professional and will spend all the time you need to get you set up. Believe me (as a complete non techie) it is well worth the journey. R-

    | Sun 12 Aug 2018 16:14:18 #18 |
  9. gomezz


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    I accept that it can take a bit of time and effort to set up one of these remote controls exactly the way you want it but it is certainly worth it. Mine is set up with 11 activities controlling 9 devices and I have a tray full of native remotes that I can just leave to fester.

    | Sun 12 Aug 2018 16:51:34 #19 |
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    RogerB - 5 hours ago  » 

    Faust - 3 hours ago  » 
    Geez a Lou, all this long press, short press, this press, that press, allocate this button or that button.

    It does sound rather complicated - but once you get your head around it and get it all set up, it is amazingly simple. I am down from 4 remotes to one. Harmony CS are very professional and will spend all the time you need to get you set up. Believe me (as a complete non techie) it is well worth the journey. R-

    It sounds complicated because it is. I know because I ordered one from Amazon a couple of years back. After a strong drink and a couple of aspirins I managed to programme it. However, programming it was the easy part as I couldn't then remember what controlled what.

    The wife wouldn't entertain it and got all the remotes back out - all 7 of them. In the end I had to agree with her and back it went. At least with the individual remotes they all have a name on them and are different shapes, so pretty hard to get it wrong.

    Take our LG TV. Now WebOS has to be the best TV OS out there. The LG remote (wireless) acts like a mouse, one shake and a pointer comes on the screen. At the bottom of the TV all your 'cards' appear with labels e.g. HDMI.1 HDMI.2 etc. then all the app cards. All you need to do is point the cursor at a card and press OK.

    From that one hub once you make your selection you then pick up the remote for whatever your selection is e.g. Freesat, Youview etc.

    Our Sonos speakers are controlled from an app on your phone.

    Both the wife and I can run this lot like a well oiled machine. It's simplicity personified.

    | Sun 12 Aug 2018 22:09:55 #20 |

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