I used humaxrw -b n: and all files (.ts,.elu,.epg,.hre)copied (87 recordings x 4 files each) to the PC. It skipped any that had copied on the previous attempts.
Magic. Now I can send the unit away for repair.
Thanks for all help.
I used humaxrw -b n: and all files (.ts,.elu,.epg,.hre)copied (87 recordings x 4 files each) to the PC. It skipped any that had copied on the previous attempts.
Magic. Now I can send the unit away for repair.
Thanks for all help.
The humaxrw-1.15-win32.zip file seems to be corrupt and won't open. I have tried downloading it several times and have also tried opening the zip file in Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows 7 without success. I receive messages such as: The Compressed (Zipped) Folder is invalid or corrupted.
I would be gratetful if this could be checked out and a replacement link provided.
Roy C - 2 minutes ago »
I would be gratetful if this could be checked out and a replacement link provided.
Yup I get a CRC error when trying to extract the .exe from the .zip. If you send me a Private Message with your email address I will email you a copy of humaxrw.
Hello All,
I am trying to retrieve a selection of much-loved recordings off a Humax 9300T with a very dead Power supply. I've got the HDD out of the case and from reading the info on this very helpful forum, it seems as if I need to use humaxrw.exe to access the information on the HDD.
........sorry sent that too early
anyway I have tried downloading humaxrw from the link on myhumax.org but although I can download the zip file, when I try to extract it I get the error message below....
"HumaxRW.exe is not in the same folder as this exe. Quitting"
I'm not sure what this means (everything seems to be in the Downloads folder), but it means I can't get to the next stage. Please could someone offer some advice as to what I might do to get past this error message and run the .exe.
Thanks for any help, support or sympathy.
Best wishes,
tallrob007 - 11 mins ago »
........sorry sent that too early![]()
anyway I have tried downloading humaxrw from the link on myhumax.org but although I can download the zip file, when I try to extract it I get the error message below....
"HumaxRW.exe is not in the same folder as this exe. Quitting"
I'm not sure what this means (everything seems to be in the Downloads folder), but it means I can't get to the next stage. Please could someone offer some advice as to what I might do to get past this error message and run the .exe.
Thanks for any help, support or sympathy.
Best wishes,
You don't say what version of Windows you are using. Try right clicking in Windows Explorer and choose new compressed folder. Move the download file to this folder and open it. You should see all the files in the .zip archive. Create a normal folder say HumaxRW. Copy all the files from the compressed folder to HumaxRW and double click the exe file to start the installer.
Sorry Graham,
Win 10 64bit
Thanks for your advice. I'll give your suggestion a try and let you know how I get on, although it might not be until later on tonight as I've just been summoned to go and cook dinner.
Aargh! Right clicking in my Win Explorer doesn't give me the option of "New Compressed Folder" and so I can't create the empty compressed folder to move the download file into.
I'll take another look later on to see if I can get the "New Compressed Folder" option back into the "New" Context (right click) menu.
tallrob007 - 1 hour ago » when I try to extract it I get the error message below....
"HumaxRW.exe is not in the same folder as this exe. Quitting"
You don't say how you are trying to extract "it", or exactly what you are seeing when you refer to "it".
In a Windows 10 64bit I just right click and select 'Extract All...".
Sorry Luke, just got back from work so I've only just managed to reply to your helpful message form last night. I was being really dumb and your PNG showed my why. I was trying to extract / launch humaxrw, but I hadn't actually downloaded the humaxrw-1.15.zip. I had only downloaded the HumaxRW_Front-End GUI zip file, so it's hardly surprising it couldn't find the humaxrw.exe.
Your PNG told me straight away that I was looking at the wrong zip file, so thanks very much for your help and apologies for being a bit thick!
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