My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HB 1000S, 1100S

Which box to buy with only one cable

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    unionfan - 1 hour ago  » 
    Morning again... just re-reading some of the posts and was a bit unsure as to whether the HB1100S or the HDR100S was being recommended???

    The HB-1000S is the one that needs the external drive. The HDR-1000S is an old version of the HDR-1100S and probably only available second hand now.

    Where a post just says "1100S" with out the "HDR" or "HB" model prefix then if the post is talking about "tuner 2", or "two tuners", then that post is talking about the HDR-1100S.

    | Sat 14 Sep 2019 9:11:44 #11 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    unionfan - 1 hour ago  » 
    Morning again... just re-reading some of the posts and was a bit unsure as to whether the HB1100S or the HDR100S was being recommended??? Internal hard drive would suit us better I think but have read that many seem to need replacing so perhaps an external device is better?
    Thanks in advance

    HDR-1100S has an internal hard drive and two tuners (HDR stands for high definition recorder).

    HB-1100S has no hard drive and only one tuner. To record and pause live TV using a HB-1100S you have to connect an external portable hard drive.

    The 2TB drive in my Foxsat-HDR dates from 2008.

    The hard drives in pvr's are designed to be quiet and have low power consumption and to save digital data continously. When on live TV is constantly being written to create the live pause capability.

    The portable usb drive is much more likely to fail especially from the constant writing and re-writing of the time shift buffer file.

    | Sat 14 Sep 2019 9:14:33 #12 |
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    The failure rate of HDD's in the HDR recorder is not a major concern, the original Seagate 1TB in mine lasted 4&1/2 years. Not bad considering it is recording continuously when on live TV. It was easily replaced by a WD 2TB Surveillance drive, now 3 years old and no problems. However, do not under any circumstances pair the box to the remote recording app from Freesat that allows remote settings of recordings over the internet. This wakes the box up every 20 mins and will accelerate the wear and failure of the HDD. A plainly stupid design point.

    | Sat 14 Sep 2019 11:07:28 #13 |
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    Thanks again to everyone who contributed to clear up our confusion. We're off to track down a HDR 1100S
    Have a great Sunday

    | Sun 15 Sep 2019 8:54:20 #14 |

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