Hi. We need some advice please... we only have one LNB cable from our sat. dish and want to record HD programmes. Watching multiple channels simultaneously or recording multiple channels is not really an issue so which box would forum members recommend please?
Thanks in advance
My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HB 1000S, 1100S
Which box to buy with only one cable
(14 posts)-
| Fri 13 Sep 2019 7:17:59 #1 |
The 1100S will be a lot more capable as the box can use both tuners with some limitations what you can do with tuner 2.
It depends on what channel tuner 1 is using. For most channels tuner 2 can use around 50% of the total channels.
| Fri 13 Sep 2019 8:36:01 #2 | -
Be aware that Freesat are planning a new box, possibly to be announced this year. While the 1000S/1100S are excellent boxes they may well be superseded shortly.
| Fri 13 Sep 2019 10:03:49 #3 | -
unionfan - 3 hours ago »
Hi. We need some advice please... we only have one LNB cable from our sat. dish and want to record HD programmes. Watching multiple channels simultaneously or recording multiple channels is not really an issue so which box would forum members recommend please?Rather than the single tuner HB-1100S you could consider the HDR-1100S. Although most people would use 2 cables with the HDR-1100S it is also designed to work with a single cable albeit with some further recording restrictions compared with using 2 cables.
When you take into account that the HB-1100S and HB-1100S models will require the additional of an external hard drive the price difference isn't as great as it may first appear.
Menu wise the HB-1000S, HB-1100S and HDR-1100S are virtually identical. Both the 1100Ss have Wi-Fi built in.| Fri 13 Sep 2019 10:47:57 #4 | -
Thanks all for your pointers... unfortunately, you lost me at "tuner 1, tuner 2 etc"... I don't share your technical vocabulary and cannot translate what even those follow-on articles are telling me into a series of actions we can understand
So, which box (don't want to plug in extra hard drives)? If extra cables are needed to link tuners/ports/sockets (???), what are they and how do we set it up to work with our one satellite cable (single LNB) please?
Again, very grateful for you translating your technical expertise into laymen's terms
UF| Fri 13 Sep 2019 12:16:46 #5 | -
unionfan - 9 mins ago »
Thanks all for your pointers... unfortunately, you lost me at "tuner 1, tuner 2 etc"... I don't share your technical vocabulary and cannot translate what even those follow-on articles are telling me into a series of actions we can understandSo, which box (don't want to plug in extra hard drives)? If extra cables are needed to link tuners/ports/sockets (???), what are they and how do we set it up to work with our one satellite cable (single LNB) please?
Again, very grateful for you translating your technical expertise into laymen's
UFA 1100-S box has two f type input sockets marked tuner 1 in and tuner 2 in and an internal Hard drive of varying size depending on which model you buy (the minimum size is 500GB and will accomodate Hard Drives up to 2TB). You connect your single cable to tuner 1 in leaving nothing on tuner 2 in. Connect the box hdmi out to a hdmi input on your TV. Turn on the TV and select the hdmi in port you connected the 1100-S to. Power on the box and follow the set up prompts. The box will detect that you only have a single cable and set up a internal link connecting the single cable to tuner 2 thus giving you two working tuners. The box is setup in single cable mode. You just use it as normal. as there will be some 2nd recordings or 2nd channels you can't use the box will tell you that combination is not possible. While tuner 1 is recording the channel up down buttons will cycle through all the channels you can watch while recording two.
Here's an example based on a West Midlands postcode.
Say you set a recording on channel 106 BBC1-HD all the following can be viewed while the recording is being made.
103 ITV Central West
113 ITV2
117 ITV4
118 ITVBe
154 ITV4+1
101 BBC One W Mid
201 BBC Parliament
703 BBC Radio 3
704 BBC Radio 4 FM
707 BBC 6Music
708 BBC Radio 4 Ex
710 BBC Radio 4 LW
711 BBC World Sv
712 BBC R Scotland
713 BBC RnGaidheal
714 BBC R Wales
715 BBC R Cymru
716 BBC R Ulster
717 BBCRadioFoyle
952 BBC One E Mid
953 BBC One East E
963 BBC One W Mid
964 BBC One Wales
967 BBC One Yk&Li
971 BBC Two Wales
607 CBBC
957 BBC One NI
958 BBC One Oxford
961 BBC One South
962 BBC One S West
969 BBC Two NI
102 BBC Two HD
106 BBC One HD
971 BBC Two HD Wales
972 BBC One HD
949 BBC Two HD
979 BBC Two Wales
978 BBC One NI HD
115 ITV3
116 ITV3+1
731 talkSPORT
121 Channel 4 + 1
123 E4 + 1
124 More4
301 Film4 + 1
975 Channel 4 + 1
127 4seven
206 RT HD
211 CGTN
214 Arirang TV
692 Revelation
142 Sony Channel
143 Sony Crime
152 Sony Channel+1
154 true ent
302 Sony Movies
303 Sony Christmas
305 Sony Action
304 True Movies +1
603 POP
605 Tiny Pop
604 POP Max
606 POP +1
134 CBS Drama
136 CBS Reality +1
139 horror ch+1
135 CBS Reality
137 CBS Justice
138 horror channel
305 Movies4Men +1
156 YourTV
695 Sonlife TV
120 S4C HD
143 Sony Crime 2
205 FRANCE 24(ENG)
252 FreeSports HD
210 CNBC
307 Retro Movies
215 TRT World
306 TalkingPics TV
694 GOD Channel
806 JML Direct
161 CLTV
171 YANGA!
695 Sonlife TV
809 TJC
812 Ideal World
813 Create & Craft
208 Bloomberg TV
691 DAYSTAR TV HD| Fri 13 Sep 2019 12:39:54 #6 | -
That's incredibly helpful, thanks very much
| Fri 13 Sep 2019 12:42:35 #7 | -
Morning again... just re-reading some of the posts and was a bit unsure as to whether the HB1100S or the HDR100S was being recommended??? Internal hard drive would suit us better I think but have read that many seem to need replacing so perhaps an external device is better?
Thanks in advance
Kevin| Sat 14 Sep 2019 7:12:23 #9 | -
Nope. Internal is much neater and convenient.
Remember that the 'many' HDD failures that you read about here and elsewhere is really a tiny minority when compared with the total number of recorders sold. Added to that, it is a simple matter to change a HDD, just a few screws and a couple of plugs. And a new HDD is a lot cheaper than a new box.
The main reason that you hear 'so much' about it is that people can't bear to lose their recordings and are desperate to get them back. But if you take the attitude that 'it's only telly', then that's overcome that problem.
Even if you are a recording lover, the latter 'problem' is still valid even if you have an external HDD and it fails.
The external drive has nothing going for it (unless you already own a non recording box).
Go for the tidy option. You know it makes sense.
| Sat 14 Sep 2019 8:30:24 #10 |
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