chrisdaniels - 4 minutes ago »
I think what Graeme is trying to get across is that it should be freesat providing the support & documentation.
You should be complaining to them.
Samsung probably realised that freesat are not providing good support so setup a page to try and limit the volume of support calls they probably get.
The original G1 Freesat specification is much looser than the freetime G2 spec. Each maker also provided it's own software, as a result the UI and capability varies significantly between different models. The box makers have to support there own boxes.
The g2 freetime spec is much more tightly controlled, the User Interface software and the way it looks is down to Freesat. All G2 boxes should look and feel identical in providing the satellite based future epg and the backwards internet provided catch up guide.
Hence the debacle over early freesat kit and ITV player.
Frankly citing Samsung as a shining example is a joke. The Samsung Freesat+ pvr was plagued for months with bugs that serously affected it's capabilities as a pvr. afaik it still lacks even basic manual recording capabilities. We all know how reliable some broadcasters are in getting the AR/series recording right and sticking to the epg scheduled times.