Thanks for the quick response. That's nice, then.
My Humax Forum » Miscellaneous » Broadcast, Internet, Media
Youtube Issues
(634 posts)
| Sat 28 Nov 2020 14:21:13 #325 |
My back button fails to work, search function also not working as digits just disappear. After weeks of no YouTube to have this problem is frustrating. Any one else out there having same/similar problems?
| Sat 28 Nov 2020 20:28:51 #326 | -
Same problem here. Pressing youtube search, the digits just disappear but the rest of youtube works okay. Is there any remedy yet?
| Mon 30 Nov 2020 20:08:48 #327 | -
5000t Youtube Search
When usung the search menu, the alphabet just disappears as soon as an attempt is made to use it.
Is anyone else having this problem? Is this a known bug? If so is there a timeline to get it fixed?| Tue 1 Dec 2020 10:38:24 #328 | -
Good morning Skylark & Kendo,
YES, I think everyone is waiting for Humax/Youtube/Freesat to sort this mess out!
The problem has been reported a while ago and still awaiting to be fixed. First the App no longer would load & now we have this problem with the search function + the back button not working.The only temp fix is to try & stream via your tablet/Mobile, or PC with Chrome Browser, but I agree this is NOT the ideal solution, only a temp fix. You paid good money for a box that should work correctly, especially as Youtube is one of the main Major Apps supplied with the Humax box. It should still be working & supported. Now we are hearing news of problems with new Aura box. Just seems totally unfair with support at the moment. Maybe Covid19 has something to do with short staff problems? But at the end of the day, it affects users. John L
| Tue 1 Dec 2020 10:50:56 #329 | -
| Tue 1 Dec 2020 10:51:47 #330 | -
Many thanks for your reply jdlfreetime. I thought it was just me having trouble with you tube, until I found this helpful forum.
| Tue 1 Dec 2020 13:47:13 #331 | -
Hi Ken,
That's no problem. I think there is a long queue of unhappy users at the moment, inc. myself.
Hopefully be resolved very soon. Welcome to the forum. John L
| Tue 1 Dec 2020 15:05:35 #332 | -
I have this problem since the so called ‘fix’ after 3 weeks of no YouTube. No back button, and disappearing line by line alpha keypad. I have to search and play via YouTube on my phone or tablet with the same account. Then back to tv where selection appears in history. This is very unsatisfactory. Is anyone at HUMAX or YouTube addressing this issue?
| Tue 1 Dec 2020 15:44:14 #333 | -
Good question Jonjo,
I think we are all waiting answers from HUmax/Freesat/Youtube.
I would suggest you contact them directly to voice your complaint. I have already done this myself. I would recommend more users contacting them to make a complaint. As mentioned Covid19 may have some bearing on staff, but a lot of users are using Youtube everyday & especially nearer Christmas + also if you have been made redundant with the current economic crisis. Maybe they will provide a bug fix as a early Christmas present? John L
| Tue 1 Dec 2020 16:40:23 #334 |
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