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Youtube Issues

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    No point in chasing Freesat as this problem is present on Humax Freeview boxes as well. Barry, an admin here, has mentioned on several occasions (post 306 for example) that Humax have been made aware of this problem, so it is down to them and YouTube (or, I suppose, Google who I believe own YT).

    Edit: Post number changed - I got it wrong

    | Tue 1 Dec 2020 16:49:53 #335 |


    Joined: Aug '11
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    As a workaround for the unworking stop and back buttons, I posted this earlier in the thread-

    A work around RE the stop button.

    Whist a video is playing or paused, press down button until you get to search and home option at bottom of page, then you have option to get to the home screen.

    Hope this helps a little.

    Humax HDR1100S.

    | Tue 1 Dec 2020 17:59:20 #336 |
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    Stop button has been working for me for several days now. Back button still not functioning. Search still not functioning.

    | Tue 1 Dec 2020 18:52:44 #337 |
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    Trying hard

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    I bought this 5000Tyesterday and set it up today. You Tube alphabet problem apparent straight away. Rang for support, but no answer after 10 mins. Joined this Forum and now know that this is a problem affecting other users and Humax are aware of it. Now I have a choice: either accept a malfunctioning piece of equipment or ask the seller to take it back. Either way, I shouldn't be in this situation after spending nearly £200 quid.
    Question/advice....what is best. Wait for FIX or return the recorder?

    | Wed 2 Dec 2020 7:34:23 #338 |
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    Trying hard:

    Despite a number of minor irritations the 5000T is probably worth sticking with for now. Presumably you have some kind of warranty with it, so there should be no urgent reason to send it back just because of the YouTube issue, which is not specific to this box anyway. It still has all its other features like the three tuners.

    The last issue with YouTube only lasted a few weeks and was sorted, hopefully it will be similar this time.

    | Wed 2 Dec 2020 9:16:32 #339 |
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    AANDYY workaround does help in order to return to Home and Search. Thanks for that. But of course NEW searches are impossible with corrupted Alphapad. We need this fixed and ASAP. My set up was sold on the fact that YouTube was included...

    | Wed 2 Dec 2020 10:44:07 #340 |
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    I hope this helps everyone having YouTube problems. My chosen workaround (if you can call it that) is to create playlists on my PC and then watch them on TV. That much does work well.

    I spoke to a very helpful chap at Humax yesterday (Tue 1st Dec) and he told me there were two main issues:
    1 - in the search screen all the letters of the alphabet vanish when you move the cursor right to type in search criteria.
    2 - some navigation keys e.g. Stop, FF, Back on the remote control don't do anything.
    This echoes the situation with my Humax HB1000s.
    Furthermore, this whole sorry tale is down to Google having changed the YouTube app and neglecting to mention it to people that needed to know at Humax. Humax are being swamped with support calls and keep badgering Google to clear up their mess.
    I pointed out that I think Humax did themselves no favours by not putting good clear information on their website and on their helpline message. I've found out more information from the Freesat site than from Humax. The guy I spoke to acknowledged I had a valid point.
    Finally, I gave them my email address and offered to act as a tester for future builds in the hope I can help speed up the process of fixing this hugely frustrating issue.

    | Wed 2 Dec 2020 11:50:28 #341 |
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    Thanks for that evilmrb. A friend of mine has these issues and (wrongly of course) assumed that it was his remote that was faulty and so shelled out £30+ for a replacement! Corporate blame ping-pong is all very well, but we, the loyal users have to put up with a sub-standard service no matter who is at fault.

    | Mon 7 Dec 2020 9:42:49 #342 |
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    Sorry your friend paid out for a remote he didn't need - that is frustrating. I like your corporate ping-pong term and you are right, of course. The fact that it's over 2 months since the iPlayer fault appeared is beyond belief. I check every day to see if the YouTube issue is fixed but no luck so far. It is apparent they are releasing new versions of the app but it's still not right.

    | Mon 7 Dec 2020 10:48:47 #343 |
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    The lack of any ‘official’ response is pathetic, isn’t it? This ‘loyal user’ will not be a ‘loyal user’ for much longer. Time to move on. I’m just working out where to go.

    | Mon 7 Dec 2020 13:12:05 #344 |

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