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Remote not operating any functions

(40 posts)
  1. Robin Hood

    Robin Hood

    Joined: Oct '14
    Posts: 17


    Thanks for that. I'll try to be a bit more patient and wait the next time it occurs (as I'm sure it will) to see what happens. And yes, I did mean the Exit key.

    | Fri 24 Oct 2014 18:23:11 #21 |
  2. Robin Hood

    Robin Hood

    Joined: Oct '14
    Posts: 17


    Locked up again, this time when a recording was paused. However, found that if the remote was held 10mm from the box, it reacted to a key press. I am sure the remote is OK, which would suggest that something is affecting the IR receiver sensitivity.

    | Sat 25 Oct 2014 21:36:04 #22 |


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    Interesting. Have not heard of similar before. You did remove the film from the panel?

    | Sun 26 Oct 2014 3:44:07 #23 |
  4. Robin Hood

    Robin Hood

    Joined: Oct '14
    Posts: 17



    | Sun 26 Oct 2014 8:06:45 #24 |
  5. -gonzo-


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    Is there anything nearby that is maybe causing IR interference?

    | Sun 26 Oct 2014 9:56:07 #25 |
  6. Robin Hood

    Robin Hood

    Joined: Oct '14
    Posts: 17


    That was my first thought, but I'm at a loss to identify anything. The box is next to the router and streaming boxes, but these are radio (WiFi) and should not affect IR signals. There absolutely nothing else around to cause IR interference. Also the Humax box will work perfectly for a few days (sometimes) then start playing up - either immediately after powering up, or in this case, while doing chase tv, ie. recording the program I am watching, then pausing the live channel for a few minutes.

    | Sun 26 Oct 2014 10:15:36 #26 |
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    I've had the occasional problem in the past where the sun was streaming through the window direct onto that shiny black box. The R/C was almost non-responsive until I closed the blinds, then all was immediately OK.

    | Sun 26 Oct 2014 10:36:12 #27 |
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    I've never done this myself, so I can't vouch for it: get a cheap pair of sunglasses, take out one lens, and tape it over the IR receiver.

    | Sun 26 Oct 2014 10:42:42 #28 |
  9. Robin Hood

    Robin Hood

    Joined: Oct '14
    Posts: 17


    Good point, but this is not apply to my setup. Still convinced it is a software glitch. Have been looking at alternative manufacturers, but there seem to be very few freesat boxes around and those that are also seem to have a variety of stability issues. I am slowly reaching the conclusion that I should revert to my Sky box and pay them £10pm for the privilege of using the record function (ugh!!).

    | Sun 26 Oct 2014 10:48:20 #29 |
  10. Barry


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    I once had a problem with remote response to sky+, TV, Humax kit as well as Panasonic.....turned out to be the wireless router I was using in the same room. I moved the router a few inches and hey presto all kit now responding.

    | Sun 26 Oct 2014 10:55:07 #30 |

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