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1010s not recording, live tv functions not working

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    My 1010s has wiped all my recordings and isn't recording anything. It crashed so I turned the box off at plug for 20minutes and when I turned it on the recordings was empty.

    Now it will not record and I cannot pause, rewind etc, even after 2 factory resets. It's connected to internet via wifi and on demand loads up but I am unable to play anything it (BBC iplayer says: Something went wrong playing this programme)

    | Sat 14 Nov 2015 21:42:26 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Welcome to our Forum

    HDD problems are being reported on a regular basis. Freesat are aware, as are the engineers at Humax Towers - hopefully they will identify what is causing the issue.

    Can you access the HDD menu?

    System settings

    If so try a disk clean up and/or format, unfortunately the format option if it works will delete any recordings stored.

    | Sun 15 Nov 2015 9:43:07 #2 |


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    Barry - 9 hours ago  » 
    Welcome to our Forum
    HDD problems are being reported on a regular basis. Freesat are aware, as are the engineers at Humax Towers - hopefully they will identify what is causing the issue.
    Can you access the HDD menu?
    System settings
    If so try a disk clean up and/or format, unfortunately the format option if it works will delete any recordings stored.

    I rather suspect that the hard disk menu will be unavailable if so please confirm this is the case.

    It is also productive to report this to freesat at<>;

    | Sun 15 Nov 2015 19:27:31 #3 |
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    Thanks for the reply Barry. I can't access the HDD and it doesn't seem to be recognising that there is one. I can plan recordings but nothing records.

    | Sun 15 Nov 2015 20:17:17 #4 |
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    Thanks REPASSAC. The hard disc isn't available. I will report it to freesat

    | Sun 15 Nov 2015 20:19:52 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    Smutz121 - 40 minutes ago  » 
    Thanks for the reply Barry. I can't access the HDD and it doesn't seem to be recognising that there is one. I can plan recordings but nothing records.

    Any chance it is still in warranty?

    | Sun 15 Nov 2015 20:58:20 #6 |
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    I think it's out of warranty but I'll have to check. Doesn't look good.

    | Sun 15 Nov 2015 21:33:52 #7 |
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    I rang Humax helpline today and the guy thinks it may have been a corrupt recording that has caused the problem.

    It's out of warranty so the only option he suggested was to unplug the box completely overnight and see if that helps. I'll try this for the next few days to see if anything happens.

    Humax sell refurbished models on their website or I might get the 1100s (might run better than 1010s).

    | Mon 16 Nov 2015 14:14:27 #8 |
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    Jeff G

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    Humax 1010s owner. Had similar problem recently. A recording was corrupted and stopped after 9 minutes. This prevented live pause function. Message saying "wait for buffer ..." (obviously in error). Various other wierd things. Put it on stand by for a few seconds - no change. Unplugged for a few seconds. This did not help either but all previous recordings were gone, although it was still showing 66% used. Unplugged for a little longer. Now all previous recordings gone and less than 1% used. At this stage I thought that recovery must be hopeless. Looked at this forum and decided to simply unplug and leave overnight. Amazingly all recording returned. The moral? DON'T GIVE UP! DON'T UPDATE SOFTWARE OR TAKE ANY OTHER EXTREME REMEDY. It seems that (just like a human) it needs time to sort itself out. Maybe that's why they call it HumaX.

    | Mon 26 Dec 2016 23:14:40 #9 |
  10. Barry


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    Welcome to our Forum

    Your unit might be indicating early stages of component failure on main board.

    See this post for further info:

    | Tue 27 Dec 2016 7:41:09 #10 |

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