My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S

32% bug possibly

(25 posts)


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    davidrew - In system settings what is shown as the space distribution?
    Have you tried a disk cleanup?

    One thought, the problem could originate with the previous firmware. Have you tried a factory reset since updateing the firmware?

    I am 18% on a 2TB - should pass 19% in a day or so.

    | Sun 10 Mar 2013 15:40:44 #21 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    REPASSAC - 7 minutes ago  » 
    davidrew - In system settings what is shown as the space distribution?
    Have you tried a disk cleanup?
    One thought, the problem could originate with the previous firmware. Have you tried a factory reset since updateing the firmware?

    I am 18% on a 2TB - should pass 19% in a day or so.

    My 2TB currently at 21%.

    | Sun 10 Mar 2013 15:48:46 #22 |
  3. davidrew


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    Thanks for the suggestions.

    Current Disk Stats:

    Available: 762.6GB
    Used: 103.4GB
    Reserved: 65.5GB

    Total: 931.5GB

    Disk Clean-Up makes no change.

    It's beginning to look like a corrupt file partition or a failing HDA to me. I'm now thinking I should go for broke and replace the drive with a 2TB, thinking about a WD AV-GP 2TB Internal Hard Drive 3.5 inch SATA 3 GB/s 64MB which has had good reviews.

    Has anyone tried hooking up an already formatted 1000S hard drive to a PC to see if any files can be copied off? I am keen to preserve some of the recordings I haven't watched yet.

    | Sun 10 Mar 2013 22:19:32 #23 |


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    davidrew - 9 hours ago  » 
    Thanks for the suggestions.
    Current Disk Stats:
    Available: 762.6GB
    Used: 103.4GB
    Reserved: 65.5GB
    Total: 931.5GB
    Disk Clean-Up makes no change.
    It's beginning to look like a corrupt file partition or a failing HDA to me. I'm now thinking I should go for broke and replace the drive with a 2TB, thinking about a WD AV-GP 2TB Internal Hard Drive 3.5 inch SATA 3 GB/s 64MB which has had good reviews.
    Has anyone tried hooking up an already formatted 1000S hard drive to a PC to see if any files can be copied off? I am keen to preserve some of the recordings I haven't watched yet.

    Yes - Good Drive. Graham and I use it.
    As to hooking up the orice to a PC - forget it - the Video partition is encrypted.
    I suspect that reformatting the drive might also solve your problem.

    | Mon 11 Mar 2013 7:47:16 #24 |
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    davidrew - 13 hours ago  » 
    Thanks for the suggestions.
    Current Disk Stats:
    Available: 762.6GB
    Used: 103.4GB
    Reserved: 65.5GB
    Total: 931.5GB
    Disk Clean-Up makes no change.
    It's beginning to look like a corrupt file partition or a failing HDA to me. I'm now thinking I should go for broke and replace the drive with a 2TB, thinking about a WD AV-GP 2TB Internal Hard Drive 3.5 inch SATA 3 GB/s 64MB which has had good reviews.
    Has anyone tried hooking up an already formatted 1000S hard drive to a PC to see if any files can be copied off? I am keen to preserve some of the recordings I haven't watched yet.

    Your HDR-1000s must still be in warranty. Why would you even consider replacing the hard drive yourself? If it is faulty and under warranty then it must be the responsibility of humax or your supplier to repair or replace it.

    | Mon 11 Mar 2013 11:34:58 #25 |

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