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App update for Beta testers

(32 posts)
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    special member
    Joined: Jun '13
    Posts: 183


    I think you may need grasping at straws.

    I actually emailed Humax yesterday asking where there any firmwares to be released soon as some if the issues have been known about for a long time now.

    Their response was:

    Hi James

    There is no new software/firmware updates as of yet, you may need to run a factory reset on your device to solve that issue.

    Best Regards,

    Humax Customer Support

    | Wed 2 Feb 2022 21:03:51 #31 |
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    special member
    Joined: Sep '16
    Posts: 185


    james_uk - 12 hours ago  » 
    I think you may need grasping at straws.
    I actually emailed Humax yesterday asking where there any firmwares to be released soon as some if the issues have been known about for a long time now.
    Their response was:

    Hi James
    There is no new software/firmware updates as of yet, you may need to run a factory reset on your device to solve that issue.
    Best Regards,
    Humax Customer Support

    That's about right more evidence that they really do not care about us customers and forget that our purchases pay for their wages

    | Thu 3 Feb 2022 9:58:05 #32 |

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