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Aura Beta software dated 03.04.21

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    morrig - 21 mins ago  » 

    davidrew - 1 hour ago  » 
    Current Installed Release: 03.04.21
    I don't know if this happened on the current public release, or previous betas, but on the programme search if you enter New: or New: followed by a space it completely ignores the : and space and you end up with every programme with 'new' in the title.
    Most broadcasters prefix new content with New: I was just interested to see what was coming up when I noticed the issue.

    Just entered new: and only one New: comes up in yellow followed by Dwight in Shining Armour. No recordings or on demand for that program?

    Strange. I get what davidrew gets when searching for new:

    | Sat 3 Apr 2021 16:36:53 #11 |
  2. Barry


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    morrig - 44 mins ago  » 

    davidrew - 1 hour ago  » 
    Current Installed Release: 03.04.21
    I don't know if this happened on the current public release, or previous betas, but on the programme search if you enter New: or New: followed by a space it completely ignores the : and space and you end up with every programme with 'new' in the title.
    Most broadcasters prefix new content with New: I was just interested to see what was coming up when I noticed the issue.

    Just entered new: and only one New: comes up in yellow followed by Dwight in Shining Armour. No recordings or on demand for that program?

    Correct, in suggested content listed below search box.

    Try pressing OK at end of search term, and you'll get same results as others have reported.

    | Sat 3 Apr 2021 17:00:28 #12 |
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    I’m going to report this as I’m part of the beta test and want to “do my bit”. It could be nothing though. Anyway, I was watching a catch-up program on all4 app via the aura and the picture froze completely but a second later the sound continued but at a later part of the program - the picture was still frozen - the sound had jumped forward. I did not have to reset or anything I just rewound the app back what appeared a couple minutes to the point where it froze and played on from that point.

    | Sat 3 Apr 2021 17:30:28 #13 |
  4. Mars


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    My Aura seems to have updated itself this afternoon despite there being recordings all afternoon (recording the Carry On film series - purely for beta testing) and, checking the recordings, Carry On Girls failed due to power loss but in fact it still thinks it is recording and is 5 hours 27 minutes long. Updating while recording is probably something to avoid in the final version.

    | Sat 3 Apr 2021 17:49:26 #14 |
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    Ok. Watching Saturday night takeaway from the recordings menu (but it was still being recorded) I decided to, on the 2nd advert break, to fast forward the adds. I have my ff/Rw buttons set to 1 minute and 15 seconds respectively. So, when I pressed ff twice (my intention was 4 times for 4 minutes) the program exited and returned me to the recordings menu.

    | Sat 3 Apr 2021 19:28:07 #15 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    boogersa - 44 mins ago  » 
    Ok. Watching Saturday night takeaway from the recordings menu (but it was still being recorded) I decided to, on the 2nd advert break, to fast forward the adds. I have my ff/Rw buttons set to 1 minute and 15 seconds respectively. So, when I pressed ff twice (my intention was 4 times for 4 minutes) the program exited and returned me to the recordings menu.

    Wrong keys the skip keys are either side of OK.

    Are you pressing the forward skip key right hand side of OK. If not you are likely to have exceeded the current time shift buffer file contents and dropped back to live TV.

    Do no confuse the forward user set skip and reverse skip with the keys either side of OK, with the fast forward and fast reverse keys.

    | Sat 3 Apr 2021 20:18:38 #16 |
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    Saturday night takeaway recording has finished but I was still watching the recording. A pop up for Blackkklansman appeared stating that it was now going to be recorded and Saturday night takeaway pixelated for a second or so. Odd. I have not been able to rewind and watch Saturday night takeaway to see if it occurs every time or just a one off. In addition, again whilst ff the adverts during Saturday night takeaway it exited the recording after I tried to jump forward but only after 1 jump forward ( 1 minute for me this time) and put me back to the recordings list.

    | Sat 3 Apr 2021 20:20:31 #17 |
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    We've had 2 random reboots this afternoon. Was just watching ITVBe and screen when black. Next minute the "Humax" logo appear and the unit restarted 1 minute later. First I thought this was the latest update installing, but it was still on previous version of Beta 30/3/2021.

    I've just checked the software version now, and it came up with the "Update App" notification message and I've just installed the 3/4/2021 beta.

    | Sat 3 Apr 2021 20:41:00 #18 |
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    grahamlthompson - 32 mins ago  » 

    boogersa - 44 mins ago  » 
    Ok. Watching Saturday night takeaway from the recordings menu (but it was still being recorded) I decided to, on the 2nd advert break, to fast forward the adds. I have my ff/Rw buttons set to 1 minute and 15 seconds respectively. So, when I pressed ff twice (my intention was 4 times for 4 minutes) the program exited and returned me to the recordings menu.

    Wrong keys the skip keys are either side of OK.
    Are you pressing the forward skip key right hand side of OK. If not you are likely to have exceeded the current time shift buffer file contents and dropped back to live TV.
    Do no confuse the forward user set skip and reverse skip with the keys either side of OK, with the fast forward and fast reverse keys.

    I am using the left/right buttons next to ok. My terminology may be confusing. I am watching a recording as it was being recorded and I had plenty of “room” to jump ahead. I did not reach the end of the current recording. And FYI I have been kicked out twice whilst fast forwarding, back to the recordings list.

    | Sat 3 Apr 2021 20:54:00 #19 |
  10. Mars


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    • Now Aura will wait for entering deep standby until DLNA playback stopped.

    I played a recording on my tablet using VLC from 11:10pm to 11:45pm and the Aura was due to go into deep standby at 11:20pm when a recording ended. It went into deep standby a few minutes after I stopped playing the recording (app disconnected). This issue has been resolved very quickly. Thanks.

    | Sun 4 Apr 2021 7:06:38 #20 |

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