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Aura Beta software dated 03.04.21

(46 posts)
  1. Barry


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    New update, check you home screen for app update notification:

    Release note:

    • Settings menu changed to a better expression, Search menu was revised for a cosmetic reason.
    • Favourite import issue (wrong ordering) during “import settings” fixed.
    • Power Management > Auto Standby > Never : now should be saved.
    • A focus problem (selecting wrong item after some operation) fixed in Recording List menu (When delete a recording, back from series recording etc)
    (In beta tester’s thread user boogersa & MickO commented on the issue)
    • Series recording limit to 24.
    • Now Aura will wait for entering deep standby until DLNA playback stopped.
    (In beta tester’s thread thanks to comment from user mars)

    | Sat 3 Apr 2021 11:51:33 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Request from programmer re this thread about FF/RWD

    Beta releases have improved 'trick play perforamance'

    Comments from testers re fast forward/rewind would be appreciated.

    | Sat 3 Apr 2021 12:27:34 #2 |
  3. brian


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    In my opinion, FF and REW are much better in recent Beta releases, but would be improved further if the top and bottom information banners were either transparent, or removed completely.

    Perhaps the top banner could be removed, and the FF/REW speed could be moved under the time bar somewhere. Also, it would be nice if the bottom banner could be lowered so that the thumbnails for other episodes are not visible while FF/REW.

    One other observation of a possible bug relating to the top banner, Guide, Schedule, and recording details is that the times shown are for 24 hour clock. Would it be possible to display these in the time format selected in Settings > Device Preferences > Date & time? I don't use 24 hour format, so would like to see all times in my preferred format.

    | Sat 3 Apr 2021 13:05:01 #3 |
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    Silly question. The Home Screen is reached by pressing the home shaped icon button? The button bottom right of the OK button? How long does it take to filter down to the beta testers as I don’t have any notification as of yet.

    | Sat 3 Apr 2021 13:10:30 #4 |
  5. brian


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    boogersa - 6 mins ago  » 
    Silly question. The Home Screen is reached by pressing the home shaped icon button? The button bottom right of the OK button? How long does it take to filter down to the beta testers as I don’t have any notification as of yet.

    Yes, that is the correct button. Sometimes it can take a few visits to the home screen before the updates notification appears, so try again later.

    | Sat 3 Apr 2021 13:17:30 #5 |
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    I’ve not had a notification but I’ve gone checked and my box is running latest beta.
    I can confirm below has been fixed as described. I can also state that I’m late to the beta party so until recently I was running on current public firmware. The ff/Rw now is much much better.
    Thank you Humax!

    • A focus problem (selecting wrong item after some operation) fixed in Recording List menu (When delete a recording, back from series recording etc)
    (In beta tester’s thread user boogersa & MickO commented on the issue)

    | Sat 3 Apr 2021 14:44:40 #6 |
  7. davidrew


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    Current Installed Release: 03.04.21

    I don't know if this happened on the current public release, or previous betas, but on the programme search if you enter New: or New: followed by a space it completely ignores the : and space and you end up with every programme with 'new' in the title.

    Most broadcasters prefix new content with New: I was just interested to see what was coming up when I noticed the issue.

    | Sat 3 Apr 2021 14:50:46 #7 |
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    I think that this has been happening since latest public firmware but noticed that viewing recordedings, you can list by programme, channel, day of week. Under programme my wife has recorded a place in the sun series link on ch4hd and also a place in the sun on some channel called hgtv and also a series link. This programme is listed twice - once for ch4hd with 18 entries and once for hgtv with 16 entries. As it’s the same programme should there not just be one entry with 34 programmes? But I see the issue with this as the programme view also shows the channel the programme was on when recorded. Maybe the opinion is that it’s better to differentiate the same program that was recorded on different channels?

    | Sat 3 Apr 2021 15:13:11 #8 |
  9. Barry


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    davidrew - 1 hour ago  » 
    Current Installed Release: 03.04.21
    I don't know if this happened on the current public release, or previous betas, but on the programme search if you enter New: or New: followed by a space it completely ignores the : and space and you end up with every programme with 'new' in the title.
    Most broadcasters prefix new content with New: I was just interested to see what was coming up when I noticed the issue.

    Whilst the appearance of search has changed for the better imho since last public release, the results obtained using your search criteria are the same.

    | Sat 3 Apr 2021 16:04:15 #9 |
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    davidrew - 1 hour ago  » 
    Current Installed Release: 03.04.21
    I don't know if this happened on the current public release, or previous betas, but on the programme search if you enter New: or New: followed by a space it completely ignores the : and space and you end up with every programme with 'new' in the title.
    Most broadcasters prefix new content with New: I was just interested to see what was coming up when I noticed the issue.

    Just entered new: and only one New: comes up in yellow followed by Dwight in Shining Armour. No recordings or on demand for that program?

    | Sat 3 Apr 2021 16:14:33 #10 |

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