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Aura Beta software dated 06.04.21

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    First reappearance of the "black screen" issue when trying to use iPlayer for me on this latest version. Not had an incidence of that for about 4 weeks or more.

    Pretty irritating as BBC1 and BBC2 are taken up with obituary programming it seems!!

    | Fri 9 Apr 2021 17:32:13 #41 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    larkim - 20 mins ago  » 
    First reappearance of the "black screen" issue when trying to use iPlayer for me on this latest version. Not had an incidence of that for about 4 weeks or more.
    Pretty irritating as BBC1 and BBC2 are taken up with obituary programming it seems!!

    Not just the BBC ITV-HD and Channel 5-HD the same. No soaps on ITV-HD this evening.

    | Fri 9 Apr 2021 17:53:42 #42 |
  3. mhargreaves

    Mark Hargreaves

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    larkim - 2 hours ago  » 
    First reappearance of the "black screen" issue when trying to use iPlayer for me on this latest version. Not had an incidence of that for about 4 weeks or more.
    Pretty irritating as BBC1 and BBC2 are taken up with obituary programming it seems!!

    Have you tried "restart apps" from the 'power button' on the FVP page?

    | Fri 9 Apr 2021 20:14:11 #43 |
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    GCW1 - 1 day ago  » 
    BBC iplayer does this on mine, so I normally resort to using my tvs inbuilt app.
    It does spoil what has become a really good experience

    The same is happening to my Aura box too, having updated the software yesterday night.

    On top of that, the picture still goes blank for about 2-3 seconds if I switch from apps onto TV, or vice versa. I feel like giving up with this box altogether!

    | Fri 9 Apr 2021 20:17:44 #44 |
  5. barrados


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    Jamz2003 - 9 hours ago  » 

    GCW1 - 1 day ago  » 
    BBC iplayer does this on mine, so I normally resort to using my tvs inbuilt app.
    It does spoil what has become a really good experience

    The same is happening to my Aura box too, having updated the software yesterday night.
    On top of that, the picture still goes blank for about 2-3 seconds if I switch from apps onto TV, or vice versa. I feel like giving up with this box altogether!

    Ah, don't give up, hang on in there.
    This box,,, as you put it has come on so so much since it was launched and the updates are coming thick and fast.
    Eventually it will be spot on.... BUT, it is an android system and allows you to add and install your own software, including side loading, which can impact on the whole mechanics of the machine.

    | Sat 10 Apr 2021 5:48:56 #45 |
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    mhargreaves - 11 hours ago  » 

    larkim - 2 hours ago  » 
    First reappearance of the "black screen" issue when trying to use iPlayer for me on this latest version. Not had an incidence of that for about 4 weeks or more.
    Pretty irritating as BBC1 and BBC2 are taken up with obituary programming it seems!!

    Have you tried "restart apps" from the 'power button' on the FVP page?

    No, I tried killing the specific app but that didn't work. All4 was doing the same too so I just pulled the plug. Will track down that option if it happens again.

    Similar issue with Disney+ though in the Disney case it just dumps me out of the app back into the main screen.

    | Sat 10 Apr 2021 8:06:15 #46 |
  7. Barry


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    I'll be closing this in approx 1 hour when a new update should be available to you all.

    | Sat 10 Apr 2021 15:17:30 #47 |
  8. barrados


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    Smashing,, thanks Barry.

    | Sat 10 Apr 2021 15:31:07 #48 |

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