andyd1302 - 6 mins ago »
ShaunIOW - 8 mins ago »
Has padding recordings not working been reported/fixed? I record a program on CBS Justice overnight and it says it's 45 minutes long and the end is cut-off, so I set padding at 5 minutes to add to the end and it still only records 45 minutes and misses the end.
CheersI think that's to do with CBS Justice not sending the recording "flags" out at the right time.
I had this on the HDR-1000S when recording "The Fugitive" before Christmas, where the ending would be cut off daily.
It got so bad, I ended up manually setting the recording for over an hour to make sure the full episode was captured.
It would be handy (perhaps a suggestion for a future update?) if the Aura timer setting could be overridden for individual programmes within the "schedule" part of the recordings menu as a belt & braces to make sure.
Some broadcasters seem to be better than others for sending accurate recording flags.
ITV also went through similar a few Years ago for a while, which was ruddy annoying when you got to 55 minutes into an hours drama & the end cut off
Thanks for the reply.
Yes it is CBS Justice' fault, but I thought the idea of the padding was to over-ride them ending the recording and add a few minutes?