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Aura Beta software dated 17.03.21

(62 posts)
  1. Mars


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    grahamlthompson - 24 mins ago  » 

    Mars - 6 mins ago  » 
    While watching the cricket this afternoon (casting Sky Cricket from Now TV to the Aura), the Aura crashed. There was a recording in progress at the same time. The Aura also crashed while casting at the weekend.

    What device were you casting from ?

    A Nokia 8.1 (Android 10) mobile although I don't think that the mobile does very much while casting.

    | Thu 18 Mar 2021 18:33:28 #21 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Mars - 34 mins ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 24 mins ago  » 

    Mars - 6 mins ago  » 
    While watching the cricket this afternoon (casting Sky Cricket from Now TV to the Aura), the Aura crashed. There was a recording in progress at the same time. The Aura also crashed while casting at the weekend.

    What device were you casting from ?

    A Nokia 8.1 (Android 10) mobile although I don't think that the mobile does very much while casting.

    I was going to try using similar device. I only have an entertainment pass but that should be OK to see if I can replicate the issue. How is the Aura connected to your home network ?

    | Thu 18 Mar 2021 19:09:58 #22 |
  3. Mars


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    grahamlthompson - 13 mins ago  » 

    Mars - 34 mins ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 24 mins ago  » 

    Mars - 6 mins ago  » 
    While watching the cricket this afternoon (casting Sky Cricket from Now TV to the Aura), the Aura crashed. There was a recording in progress at the same time. The Aura also crashed while casting at the weekend.

    What device were you casting from ?

    A Nokia 8.1 (Android 10) mobile although I don't think that the mobile does very much while casting.

    I was going to try using similar device. I only have an entertainment pass but that should be OK to see if I can replicate the issue. How is the Aura connected to your home network ?

    It may take a while to replicate the issue as the cricket had been casting from 1:30pm until it crashed at about 4:40pm. Strangely, the recording of Morse that started at 15:52 is of zero length and then it restarts after the crash, but this may be due to the crash. I am using Wifi. I will see what happens with the cricket on Saturday.

    | Thu 18 Mar 2021 19:30:16 #23 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    Mars - 12 mins ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 13 mins ago  » 

    Mars - 34 mins ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 24 mins ago  » 

    Mars - 6 mins ago  » 
    While watching the cricket this afternoon (casting Sky Cricket from Now TV to the Aura), the Aura crashed. There was a recording in progress at the same time. The Aura also crashed while casting at the weekend.

    What device were you casting from ?

    A Nokia 8.1 (Android 10) mobile although I don't think that the mobile does very much while casting.

    I was going to try using similar device. I only have an entertainment pass but that should be OK to see if I can replicate the issue. How is the Aura connected to your home network ?

    It may take a while to replicate the issue as the cricket had been casting from 1:30pm until it crashed at about 4:40pm. Strangely, the recording of Morse that started at 15:52 is of zero length and then it restarts after the crash, but this may be due to the crash. I am using Wifi. I will see what happens with the cricket on Saturday.

    A truncated recording from a re-boot generally does that. Starting with a second recording. Seen that many times. If you pull the power or get a short power outage that's what happens to recordings in progress.

    | Thu 18 Mar 2021 19:45:21 #24 |
  5. Mars


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    Regarding DLNA, VLC Media Player on my Windows 10 notebook only shows the title of recordings. Looking at media information for some recordings, there is only the title and the date given as 2021 (no day or month). On the other hand, Humax seem to have DLNA working perfectly with my Panasonic FVP recorder (as as a DLNA client) as it displays title, date, time, channel, and recording length (although no thumbnail, but these are of little value).

    | Thu 18 Mar 2021 20:12:01 #25 |
  6. User has not uploaded an avatar


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    I too have apps only working from Freeview Play home screen. Thought they weren't working at all, until I logged in to this thread and saw that work around.

    | Thu 18 Mar 2021 21:31:03 #26 |
  7. Mars


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    Last night the Aura was in deep standby (using the new option), but this morning when I switched it on there was a blank screen. Switching it off (standby using the remote) and on again made no difference so I had to unplug and it is back to normal. There was a recording during deep standby (5:30-6:00) but that worked fine.

    | Fri 19 Mar 2021 8:34:39 #27 |
  8. Barry


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    How long did you wait for unit to boot?

    It takes some time to come out of deep standby.

    (I'll put a stopwatch on mine in a mo and edit this post)

    Edit: It appears to have speeded up since the last time I checked

    2 x tests - Just over a minute from pressing standby button to audio/video.

    | Fri 19 Mar 2021 8:42:06 #28 |
  9. Mars


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    Barry - 7 mins ago  » 
    How long did you wait for unit to boot?
    It takes some time to come out of deep standby.
    (I'll put a stopwatch on mine in a mo and edit this post)

    I should have said that it should have come out of deep standby at 7am and I switched on after 8am so I was expecting the normal quick start up.

    | Fri 19 Mar 2021 8:51:40 #29 |
  10. davidrew


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    Mars - 27 mins ago  » 

    Barry - 7 mins ago  » 
    How long did you wait for unit to boot?
    It takes some time to come out of deep standby.
    (I'll put a stopwatch on mine in a mo and edit this post)

    I should have said that it should have come out of deep standby at 7am and I switched on after 8am so I was expecting the normal quick start up.

    I have set the new overnight deep standby from 11pm to 6am and it seemed to work OK this morning when I switched it on at 6.50am. It came on as if in warm standby, I'll monitor and see if its consistent, I will also set-up an overnight test recording to see if that is a factor.

    | Fri 19 Mar 2021 9:23:39 #30 |

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