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Aura Beta software dated 17.03.21

(62 posts)
  1. Mars


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    Mars - 3 days ago  » 
    Last night the Aura was in deep standby (using the new option), but this morning when I switched it on there was a blank screen. Switching it off (standby using the remote) and on again made no difference so I had to unplug and it is back to normal. There was a recording during deep standby (5:30-6:00) but that worked fine.

    No problems with deep standby for the last couple of days (I have switched off the DLNA option).

    | Mon 22 Mar 2021 9:41:04 #51 |
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    Mars - 2 hours ago  » 

    Mars - 3 days ago  » 
    Last night the Aura was in deep standby (using the new option), but this morning when I switched it on there was a blank screen. Switching it off (standby using the remote) and on again made no difference so I had to unplug and it is back to normal. There was a recording during deep standby (5:30-6:00) but that worked fine.

    No problems with deep standby for the last couple of days (I have switched off the DLNA option).

    I had same problem this morning. Deep sleep set to 0.00-09.00 turned on at about 12.00 locked solid even pulled power no start up. Just going to try software reset if that dosnt work broken box. Iwill report back.

    | Mon 22 Mar 2021 12:29:56 #52 |
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    I tried the reset ( pull power hold start on box 15sec after plugging in power)a couple of times no luck. I use passthrough on my Yamaha 3080 so tried turning it on picture and sound popped up all working. Never had that happen before.

    | Mon 22 Mar 2021 14:04:24 #53 |
  4. Mars


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    I have a favourite list that goes from 6 ITV2 to 233 Sky News. If I go to 233 then press the up arrow to get the channel list then the next channel below 233 is 6 as one would expect. Now if I go down the channel list until 233 reappears then the next channel is 20 (not 6)! I think that this leads to some strange occurrences when zapping through the channels.

    | Mon 22 Mar 2021 17:04:44 #54 |
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    Currently watching BBC1 HD "Covid" programme & recording as I missed the start.

    Wanting to watch it through to the end, then intend to view the beginning of the recording when it finishes (if that makes sense).

    Pixellation/sound issues on "Live" BBC1 HD after pressing "record", at various points since.

    Seems to have stabilised on picture, but one or two sound dropouts evident when the timer record for Coronation Street kicked in.

    Almost seems the Aura's buffer/HDD is struggling to cope with the amount of data it's having to process & write to disc.

    There was also a black screen on initial startup but worked around the issue after pressing "CH up" to change channel then back again to restore picture.

    Hope the info helps (running latest Beta update & on Wi-Fi).

    On a more positive note, the "Recording Notification" toggle in the Menu is very much appreciated

    | Mon 22 Mar 2021 19:32:44 #55 |
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    Turned on out of deep standby.

    The box turned on, turned off, then rebooted itself (animated startup sequence).

    | Mon 22 Mar 2021 21:10:02 #56 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    ariharry - 1 min ago  » 
    Turned on out of deep standby.
    The box turned on, turned off, then rebooted itself (animated startup sequence).

    Seems pretty normal. If you watch on a booted TV tuned to the right input then :

    First sign of response is a Humax splash screen. Then you get a no signal error. The LED can change to few different colours. When you see the android loading animation it's nearly there. It does not actually turn off or reboot, just has no video or audio output.

    | Mon 22 Mar 2021 21:15:26 #57 |
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    I set up a series recording for Snooker: Tour Championship. Later, looking at the schedule for several days in advance, I noticed that there was no "R" shown for an episode of the programme, so I set the Aura to record the series on that episode. When it didn't show the "R", I set it again with the same result so I repeated with the same result. When I looked at the recordings there were 3 entries for each of the two programmes that had taken place. The Aura had made three recordings of a programme! How can that happen?

    When I looked at the schedule it showed that there were 3 lots of Snooker: Tour Championship to be recorded for each programme.

    I realised subsequently that I had run up against the 12 episodes limit but that fact that there is no indication that the 13th and later episodes are in the schedule is very confusing.

    | Mon 22 Mar 2021 23:19:04 #58 |
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    Further to my post above, the answer to how it can happen is "3 tuners". The question is why it can happen if each episode of a series has the same identifying mark.

    A further question is why the 12 episode limit? It can obviously lead to problems.

    A more accurate account of what happened is that when I encountered the 13th episode (no "R"), I set a series recording, ditto for the 14th episode. With the 15th episode, I was informed that there was conflict-no more tuners.

    The snooker is shown twice a day for many days and after I had carried out the above charade for both, the schedule was awash with snooker!

    I apologise for being an idiot, but it takes an idiot to do things the coders never considered in their wildest imagings!

    An additional point is that when I inspected the 3 instances of the recording of the same programme, I noticed that the "delete" option was missing, indicating that the recording was in process. But the machine was not in fact recording. The solution was to press the stop button on each instance. The delete option then appeared and I was able to delete two of the recordings. Inspection of the third recording showed that it had recorded accurately, stopping at the end of the programme, and had not recorded past that point.

    This aspect was reminiscent of a problem I had some time ago. One morning I noticed that the recording light was on though no recordings were scheduled at that time. The problem was with a programme that had been recorded the night before. The delete option was missing and the clock on it was ticking over. Pressing the stop button did not work and the only solution was to pull the plug. On resumption, inspection of the recording showed that it had recorded properly and had not recorded beyond the end of the programme.

    I informed Humax about this (and that it had happened 2 or perhaps 3 times since last November when I bought the Aura) and was told to format the hard drive. The problem has not occured since (1 March) but as it had happened only intermittently for no obvious reason, I can't be sure that it won't happen again.

    Footnote: I don't actually watch all this snooker. I skip past the chat (= drivel) before, between and after the snooker, (and the ads), and also past most of the snooker (which is mostly boring), being more interested in the result than the process. If it looks like a big break is on, I might watch or when I have nothing else to do.

    | Tue 23 Mar 2021 9:12:26 #59 |
  10. Barry


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    A new update is on the way in a few hours. I'll close this one and open a new thread with release note when the update is available.

    | Tue 23 Mar 2021 10:09:17 #60 |

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