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Aura loses all recordings

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    Only had this box for a few weeks and it has deleted all recordings a couple of times now.
    Before I return it as faulty is there anything I should look at?


    | Wed 8 Nov 2023 15:59:10 #1 |
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    You could do a full factory reset sees if it behaves after that.
    Good luck.

    | Wed 8 Nov 2023 18:42:22 #2 |
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    Get your money back
    It hasnt been updated for 2 years!!!!

    | Wed 8 Nov 2023 19:29:03 #3 |
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    Thanks for the replies, I was trying to avoid a reset as it takes so long to set up all the apps and recording schedule.

    I also noticed the last update date I just ignored it.

    I bought it because I thought it was Humax' premium product.


    | Wed 8 Nov 2023 23:37:47 #4 |
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    If you select Backup Preferences before you do a Factory Reset your recording schedule will be saved, after the factory reset use import preferences and your recording schedule will be reintroduced.
    Unfortunately you will still have to download and set up all your apps.

    It was supposed to be Humax premium product, and could have been but Humax abandoned its development after the last firmware update in Aug 2021, if you are not running that version of the software you should update it now as it introduced a raft of fixes for its many previous flaws.

    If you were to set up a recording today for example Countdown on Channel 4HD, how long does it stay available for?

    How many weeks have you had this box for, are you still within the window for either a full refund or a replacement.

    | Thu 9 Nov 2023 6:54:54 #5 |
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    "I bought it because I thought it was Humax' premium product"
    Worst product more like - fox T-2 was their best

    | Thu 9 Nov 2023 16:38:18 #6 |
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    "I bought it because I thought it was Humax' premium product"

    Sadly, it would appear Humax had a change of business model a few years ago and what could have been a great machine has been left to rot in favour of “total mobility solutions and services” whatever that is. Still happy to sell them though with no backup.

    Trouble is at the moment there is no alternative, the Manhatton is still “Coming Soon” or you go second-hand.

    If you are planning on using it with multiple apps you are in for “a world of hurt”. Mine is stable and usable now (we live with the bugs they will never fix) but it’s used as a Freeview Play PVR with every other possible app removed (or disabled), we use other devises for everything else.

    If mine was to break tomorrow I would buy a second-hand BT pro box, wait for the Manhatton and then decide if to buy another Aura.

    | Thu 9 Nov 2023 19:33:25 #7 |
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    So not a lot of support for this product...

    Other than the recording deletion issue I have no other problems, its fast and very responsive, all the apps work very well and very impressive with 4k sources, great to see some BBC material at 4k.

    So I think I will live with it for now, if it deletes my recordings again it will go straight back.

    The omission of Netflix is a real pain so I wont buy a second one for our other TV, however all our TV's have Netflix built in so really that does not matter. I could also say the same of all the other apps.

    If you ask why I don't watch on the TV itself, that's easy I skip through all the adverts, so rarely watch any commercial channels or streaming channel with adds (all except iplayer?)

    Many thanks for all the help its much appreciated.


    | Fri 10 Nov 2023 0:34:45 #8 |
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    Through all the random reboots, freezes requiring a power cycle and factory resets I have never had it lose all my recordings in fact not a single recording that I can remember. With all the recordings mine currently has on it yet to watch if it did that it would be out the window.

    In your shoes I would replace it before it gets too full.

    | Fri 10 Nov 2023 10:15:09 #9 |
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    Sorry its been a while but I have been playing with the recorder, no faults have occurred no recordings deleted.

    So I will keep the device and live with some of the odd things it does. Things like if you press Guide whilst in an app like iplayer it closes the app. My previous recorder didn't do that.

    Sometimes it records an item twice same channel same time and when it does that it only allows one other channel to be recorded, A little odd i think.

    Another oddity that occurs every now and then is when I am watching a recording, in the background the device changes channel, once the recording is finished I get sent to the channel the device chose to switch to. However if the device is recording another channel it will not let me change channel giving the message "cannot change channel while a recording is in progress" (or similar wording).


    | Tue 21 Nov 2023 2:06:47 #10 |

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