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Aura loses all recordings

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    If the Aura is recording two instances of the same programme you may find the the Auto Channel Search has tuned the Aura into two transmitters serving your area. To check for duplicate channels have a look in the EPG and go up to the higher channel numbers, duplicate channels are usually found in the 800's. If you find you have duplicate channels then Manual Channel Search should be carried out so you can only tune in to the nearest/ best line of sight transmitter. Instructions can be given if you want.

    "cannot change channel while a recording is in progress"

    You will see this message when the Aura is using all three tuners and you have tried to change to a channel that is being broadcast on a different multiplex (mux). Channels are broadcast through usually 5 different muxes, each mux delivers several channels and radio broadcasts simultaneously.
    For example if you are recording BBC1HD, Dave, and Drama (these are all broadcast on different muxes)at the same time you cannot switch to another channel that is being broadcast on another mux as that would require a fourth tuner.
    Similarly if the Aura is recording two programmes broadcast on different muxes and then a third recording is due to start broadcast on a third mux and you are watching a live programme on a different mux from the three recording the Aura will automatically switch over to another channel being broadcast on one of the three muxes that recordings are taking place.

    If you know which transmitter you are using and know which mux numbers it broadcasts and therefore the channels each mux is broadcasting you can then work out when setting up recordings that you don't run in to conflicts when trying to watch live.
    To avoid some conflicts you can try recording the +1. version of the channel if available as these are often broadcast on a different mux.
    For example Drama and Drama +1.

    | Tue 21 Nov 2023 4:35:27 #11 |
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    I had already checked for those issues, no duplicate channels except BBC1 which I rarely record.
    Cant change channel message occurs when only one channel is recording as well as when it is recording multiple channels.


    | Tue 21 Nov 2023 16:11:53 #12 |
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    If you are unable to change channel when only one other programme is being recorded you may have an issue with the tuners on the Aura.
    As an experiment select a programme to record something on BBC1 HD for example, when the recording starts keep the Aura on BBC1HD then check the Signal.
    Freeview button on the remote> Settings> Channel & Broadcast> Signal Test, only Tuner 1 should be used it should say Live, Recording.
    If tuners 2 & 3 are being used then you have a problem.

    When one tuner is being used you should be able to change to a channel broadcast on another mux, while recording and watching BBC1 HD switch to Dave, now check the signal test, Tuner 2 should now come in to play, Tuner 1 should now say recording and Tuner 2 should say live.
    To get Tuner 3 used set up a recording that is simultaneous with the BBC1HD recording but on a channel that is being broadcast on a different mux to BBC1 HD so if you are watching Dave live press the record button on the remote to start recording Dave, switch to Drama. Now you are recording BBC1HD, Dave and watching Drama all three tuners should now be in use (these three channels are broadcast on different muxes.). Can you confirm that all three tuners are being used.
    If while recording one programme and unable to change channel then either wait till the recording finishes or abort and power down the Aura wait till the HDD has stopped spinning listen carefully and then unplug. Wait a few minutes and then reconnect and start the Aura up.
    Try the experiment again to see if that has cleared it.

    Anything else you have tried so you don't get people asking you to perform procedures you have already experimented with.

    | Tue 21 Nov 2023 19:20:58 #13 |
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    Thanks I'll give that a go when I get a chance.


    | Tue 21 Nov 2023 20:08:52 #14 |
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    Hi all, sorry its taken a while but i have been a little busy.
    I have not had a chance to do a detailed investigation as suggested by VitaminD, however I do know that all 3 tuners work just fine so that's not the issue. I can live with the issues that keep cropping up such as not being able to change channels when a recording is taking place as it happens so rarely, the last time it happened only 1 tuner was in use.
    I have not had a recurrence of all recordings being deleted so that must be down to user error, I just don't know how.
    I am living with many minor issues such as when pausing an iplayer show if the screen saver kicks in then it drops out of iplayer.
    iPlayer crashes every now and then itvx is a little flaky but not tried other players.
    The internet browser is rubbish so I no longer use it.
    So overall I will never buy any Android tv device again when I compare against other TV's we have Philips, Panasonic using their own proprietary os they are much better, easier to use, faster and way more reliable.

    I use Android on my phone which is just about acceptable but Android on media devices and in car are in my opinion are completely useless.


    | Tue 12 Dec 2023 3:45:11 #15 |

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