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Aura not allowing series recording for Doctors

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    Martin Liddle

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    I have noticed that my Aura is not offering a series record option for the current episodes of Doctors. I am wondering if this is because the programmes were not broadcast when originally scheduled because of the earthquakes in Turkey, but the substitute recordings were using the Doctors CRIDs. Does this mean that Humax have implemented th Freeview feature that is intended to stop duplicate recordings?

    | Thu 23 Feb 2023 15:43:30 #1 |
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    Had the same discussion with my wife who complained Doctors hadn't been recorded and she tried to record it, but no series button was displayed.

    I assume the broadcaster has mucked up the EPG data being sent on Freeview?

    | Fri 24 Feb 2023 13:08:09 #2 |
  3. brian


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    I have just set a series recording for "Doctors" using the aura app, I will see if it records the episodes next week.

    | Fri 24 Feb 2023 13:53:09 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    MattB1 - 2 hours ago  » 
    Had the same discussion with my wife who complained Doctors hadn't been recorded and she tried to record it, but no series button was displayed.

    Yes that is exactly the behaviour I am seeing.

    I assume the broadcaster has mucked up the EPG data being sent on Freeview?

    The error was broadcasting the replacement programmes when Doctors was temporarily suspended using the SCCRID for Doctors on something that wasn't Doctors and then reusing them again with the actual Doctors episodes. The Aura is doing the right thing (as defined by the Freeview specification) by declining to record something that it thinks has already been recorded.

    | Fri 24 Feb 2023 16:08:10 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    brian - 2 hours ago  » 
    I have just set a series recording for "Doctors" using the aura app, I will see if it records the episodes next week.

    I presume you hadn't previously recorded Doctors? I think everything is working as it should but it is a pity the BBC didn't use a different SCRID on the Doctors replacement programmes.

    | Fri 24 Feb 2023 16:10:34 #5 |
  6. brian


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    Martin Liddle - 32 mins ago  » 

    brian - 2 hours ago  » 
    I have just set a series recording for "Doctors" using the aura app, I will see if it records the episodes next week.

    I presume you hadn't previously recorded Doctors? I think everything is working as it should but it is a pity the BBC didn't use a different SCRID on the Doctors replacement programmes.

    Correct, I have not previously recorded Doctors.

    If you had originally set it to record from BBC One HD, would the aura let you record the remainder of the series from BBC One SD?

    | Fri 24 Feb 2023 16:51:07 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    brian - 38 mins ago  » 
    If you had originally set it to record from BBC One HD, would the aura let you record the remainder of the series from BBC One SD?

    Good idea. I normally record Doctors in SD and it is SD where I can't series record (but can record individual episodes) but I have tried BBC One HD and can series record Doctors there.

    | Fri 24 Feb 2023 17:32:13 #7 |
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    Look at your Schedule scroll down till you see Doctors the listing for the old SD one and delete it.
    Go back to the TV guide look for Doctors on your BBC1 SD channel and you should now be able to set it to series record again.

    | Sat 25 Feb 2023 2:26:04 #8 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    VitaminD - 10 hours ago  » 
    Look at your Schedule scroll down till you see Doctors the listing for the old SD one and delete it.
    Go back to the TV guide look for Doctors on your BBC1 SD channel and you should now be able to set it to series record again.

    Thanks. When I looked at the schedule of recordings there was one showing the four episodes for the coming week but it didn't show in the guide and based on experience from earlier this week they wouldn't have recorded. I deleted that schedule and it still wouldn't let me set a series recording for Monday. I them went back to the schedule and right at the bottom of the list was another entry for Doctors showing zero episodes. Deleting that entry then allowed me to set a series recording from Monday onwards. So all good, thanks again for the advice.

    | Sat 25 Feb 2023 13:09:34 #9 |

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