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Aura Smartphone App

(12 posts)
  1. The Moog

    The Moog

    Joined: Nov '20
    Posts: 44


    There hasn't been an app update in a long while, and there are several issues which make using it not as nice as it could be:

    On Now: Could this feature just show your favourite channels rather than trying to show all of them? I am not interesting in seeing what is on now on channels I have removed from my favourites.

    TV Guide: This seems to take an age to load every time you start the app. It does at least just show my favourite channels but seems to still download schedule info for the channels I have removed as it pauses updating where there is a chunk of removed channels. This should really be instant, is there no way of caching the channels to speed this up and only updating info for the channels displayed? It would be great if the channels could be reordered rather than in channel number order so that all the HD ones are right at the bottom and the last to update. Finally, there is a scrolling issue where you can scroll off the bottom of the list and keep going, meaning you end up with a blank page and need to do lots or scrolling back up to see any channels.

    Schedule: Again, just very slow to load anything. Seem to work fine once it is ready, but can take a long time with a blank screen.

    Recordings: Perfect! Loads instantly which makes it perplexing why the other menus take so long to load.

    It would be great to get these issues ironed out so the app experience is enjoyable rather than frustrating.

    | Sun 5 Dec 2021 11:50:57 #1 |
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    Any chance we could see the introduction of 'Landscape' view in a future update?

    | Wed 15 Dec 2021 11:04:24 #2 |
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    Does this work?

    | Wed 15 Dec 2021 11:10:28 #3 |
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    @SSThing Sorry, perhaps I should have been clearer.
    I am actually referring to the Aura app itself and the ability to view the TV Guide in landscape mode. Unlike the BT TV app, the Aura app is stuck in portrait mode. Something BT only remedied after customer requests.

    | Wed 15 Dec 2021 11:29:24 #4 |
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    There are numerous "force landscape mode" apps available, perhaps one of those might work?

    | Wed 15 Dec 2021 11:42:09 #5 |
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    @SSThing I appreciate your suggestion but,unfortunately, this isn't an ideal solution to a simple issue. Humax software developers should be able to provide a robust solution to a simple request.

    | Wed 15 Dec 2021 12:36:12 #6 |
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    Any updates for the Aura itself and the app are I think wishful thinking going by how quiet it all is on this front.

    | Wed 15 Dec 2021 12:55:57 #7 |
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    Absolutely correct, but don't hold your breath waiting for them to do anything.

    | Wed 15 Dec 2021 12:56:18 #8 |
  9. brian


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    muscles1960 - 2 hours ago  » 
    Any chance we could see the introduction of 'Landscape' view in a future update?

    Landscape view is available in the app when using a tablet, but not currently available on a phone.

    Recordings, and Live TV can be viewed on a phone in landscape mode, but nothing else.

    | Wed 15 Dec 2021 14:08:10 #9 |
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    @brian Thanks for info. However, this isn't the issue I raise. As explained earlier, it's the fact that the TV Guide is limited to portrait view and so obscures much of the content left-right. A landscape view would give a wider view of programmes available.
    Surely Humax could find a solution to this.

    | Wed 15 Dec 2021 14:43:02 #10 |

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