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Box turning on in middle of night

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    According to my better half who was woken up by it, the tv came on early this morning (assuming that this was caused by the Aura switching itself on). This is the first time this has occurred on my box…

    | Thu 1 Jul 2021 14:44:41 #11 |
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    My box turned itself on again at 12 32 am this morning. I had forgotten to turn the sound down to zero so was woken up to voices!


    | Tue 6 Jul 2021 8:21:55 #12 |
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    Mine turned on Sat Night at 12.42 again, something is definitely wrong with the Aura. Have you reported it to Humax support <, the more people that raise the issue with them the better to get them to look into it as clearly it is an issue.

    | Tue 6 Jul 2021 8:27:10 #13 |
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    Mine does it regularly, last night I put it into deep standby only for it to switch itself back on after about five minutes. It regularly does this overnight as well even though there's no recordings planned.

    Today I have fitted a smart plug onto the Aura power lead, so for now it will lose power at midnight until 7am. Not the best solution but until Humax solve the issue then it will have to do.

    | Tue 6 Jul 2021 14:02:09 #14 |
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    Yes I have reported the problem to Humax support>


    | Tue 6 Jul 2021 14:04:09 #15 |
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    Yes, I have the same problem, it happens several times a day

    I'm not sure if it's related, but one thing that's been happening recently is a bluetooth device (headphones) would be trying to connect to the TV/Humax (not sure which one, I think Humax). There doesn't seem to be a way to disable Bluetooth to prevent this.

    | Thu 8 Jul 2021 8:03:24 #16 |
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    Well yet again on Saturday night it turned itself on, this time it was around 5am so even the time it occurs is not consistent, again I had nothing set to record etc.

    | Mon 12 Jul 2021 7:22:08 #17 |
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    My box switched itself and the tv on (again) in the wee small hours of this morning. I can’t confirm unfortunately if this was happening pre or is now just post the new public firmware.

    | Thu 15 Jul 2021 8:48:34 #18 |
  9. Fixdit


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    I first commented on this problem after installing Beta software 27.05.21. at the time I tried various things to try to stop it occuring. My deep standby is set from 2.00am to 17.00pm. I cleared all schelued recordings with no upcoming episodes. Up until this week it seemed successful, three times it has turned on at various times. The only comman denominator has been that I was home and the powering up of my laptop. The Aura powered up shortly after, not sure if that is significant. I will try to replicate tomorrow.

    | Thu 15 Jul 2021 12:17:53 #19 |
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    I found the same, I wondered if there was some kind of bluetooth trigger?

    | Thu 15 Jul 2021 12:55:44 #20 |

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