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Box turning on in middle of night

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    Mine did it again last night scared the crap out of my wife but there were no computers on in the house and nothing else apart from the aura connected to the home network.

    | Thu 15 Jul 2021 13:43:18 #21 |
  2. Fixdit


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    This morning the Aura was in deep standby, powering up the laptop resulted in the Aura booting up several mins later. Looking at the bluetooth list of connected devices the only oddity was a Sonos soundbar (not mine must be next door's) this might explain random power ups at other times. Device has been removed. I will monitor this as well.

    | Fri 16 Jul 2021 19:23:58 #22 |
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    Where can you view attached bluetooth devices?

    | Sat 17 Jul 2021 12:29:14 #23 |
  4. Barry


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    HuMaximillian - 2 hours ago  » 
    Where can you view attached bluetooth devices?

    Settings, scroll to bottom option - Remotes & accessories

    | Sat 17 Jul 2021 14:30:28 #24 |
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    Thanks! I found a RM-CO1 connected to it, which is the remote, removed that, and it still works.
    I also found the Humax, Samsung TV, and soundbar on my laptop - whilst not connected, I removed it from the list just in case.

    Let's see if that nails it!

    | Sat 17 Jul 2021 14:54:15 #25 |
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    My aura used to turn on by itself and then turn tv and soundbar on being in deep sleep quite regularly. Tried turning multiple settings on or off to try and fix it but nothing seem to fix. Until I turned off scanning always available in network settings. Since doing this my box has not turned on by itself. Might be coincidence but might be worth someone else trying this to see if it helps. Like i said might be coincidence so don't shoot me if it doesn't work.

    | Sun 18 Jul 2021 12:14:26 #26 |
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    Noticed now that the red light no longer goes out when the unit goes into deep sleep, option is still selected in the settings.

    | Sun 18 Jul 2021 15:19:49 #27 |
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    My box is connected to a Bluetooth speaker. If I turn my box off before the speaker, when the speaker disconnects the Aura starts up again.
    I also think my Aura turned itself on in the early hours last night...the warm nights meant I woke up and I’m sure I heard the HDD active but I didn’t check the TV

    | Wed 21 Jul 2021 21:23:22 #28 |
  9. Fixdit


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    For the last 5 days I have kept an eye on my Aura whilst in deep standby.
    My Laptop is normally in sleep mode
    If l powered up my Windows 10 laptop the Aura would boot up to fully on ( bright blue Led ) and then stay on.
    Going into Laptop's settings/devices and turning off Bluetooth allowed the Aura to go back to deep sleep eventually.
    With bluetooth turned off there were no random powerups.
    Presumably any Bluetooth equiped device might have a simular effect of turning the Aura on, thus causing random power ups.
    I noticed another poster #25 removed his bluetooth remote from the list of devices.
    Has this cured the problem?

    | Wed 21 Jul 2021 22:33:50 #29 |
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    Mine turns on at least once a week with no laptops or PCs on and no other bluetooth devices connected or even switched on in the house.

    | Thu 22 Jul 2021 7:56:54 #30 |

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