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Box turning on in middle of night

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    I reported this issue to Humax customer support, first time they did not reply the 2nd time their answer was to turn the box off and unplug at night, very helpful I must say.....

    | Thu 22 Jul 2021 14:54:19 #31 |
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    >I noticed another poster #25 removed his bluetooth remote from the list of devices. Has this cured the problem?

    It's hard to say, I've done a number of things and I'm not sure which has helped, the issue remains albeit it occurs with less frequency:

    1. Remove bluetooth remote from Aura, stick to default Infra Red
    2. Switched off CEC remote on all devices (e.g. TV and Humax)
    3. Remove Bluetooth connections which may have inadvertently been made to phones or laptops etc. You'll need to do this on each device independently.

    The box goes into deep standby automatically (via the scheduling option in the settings) and I also long press the off button until I get the menu option for deep standby).

    I will still wander in and find the light on the box turn blue (red is standby) and have to manually turn it off...

    Hope this helps!

    | Sun 25 Jul 2021 8:20:30 #32 |
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    So many attempts to fix the problem but apparently no reliable circumvention so far. Not that I want a circumvention. It should work. I want a fix. Apart from anything else, unless it's in deep standby, the disk keeps spinning which can't be good, and it burns about 7 watts, so costs money.

    I only bought my box last week. Am about to go on holiday. If there's no fix by the time I get back, I'm returning it as faulty and buying a Manhattan. Installed a T-rR for my Dad last year and it's been brilliant (except that there's no app yet - they assure me it's coming).

    I emailed Humax support a week ago but haven't had a reply. So I called them today. They tell me it's a known problem but there's no outlook for a fix.

    I note from googling the problem that it's happened in the past with various other Humax boxes. It's high time they learned.

    | Thu 26 Aug 2021 16:17:36 #33 |
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    Aura box has powered up twice overnight and thereby powering up my TV over the last couple of weeks. I’ve had to power off my TV overnight rather than leaving it in standby mode.
    Come on Humax please fix this issue urgently.

    | Fri 27 Aug 2021 6:01:34 #34 |
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    howarp - 1 hour ago  » 
    Aura box has powered up twice overnight and thereby powering up my TV over the last couple of weeks. I’ve had to power off my TV overnight rather than leaving it in standby mode.
    Come on Humax please fix this issue urgently.

    You need to keep reporting it direct to Humax customer support.

    | Fri 27 Aug 2021 7:16:29 #35 |
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    I’ve had to power off my TV overnight rather than leaving it in standby mode.

    Why leave your TV on standby overnight? It's going to burn electricity and cost you money. I switch mine off at the socket when I go to bed and leave it off until I next want to watch TV. Same with many other things such as chargers.

    | Fri 27 Aug 2021 8:02:28 #36 |
  7. Mars


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    Arold - 7 mins ago  » 

    I’ve had to power off my TV overnight rather than leaving it in standby mode.

    Why leave your TV on standby overnight? It's going to burn electricity and cost you money. I switch mine off at the socket when I go to bed and leave it off until I next want to watch TV. Same with many other things such as chargers.

    Most modern TV use about 0.5 watt in standby so they are not exactly burning electricity. OLED TVs have a pixel refresh process that operates in standby to avoid image retention, and many TVs check for software updates in standby. Things have changed since the 1970s.

    | Fri 27 Aug 2021 8:16:04 #37 |
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    I have had problems with Humax boxes for some time,ie, unable to control ARC audio,
    system switching to Humax box for no reason.
    The problem is, Humax, in their wisdom, have pin 13 on the HDMI port live all the time, this allows the box to connect even when CEC is set to OFF .
    The answer is an adaptor, available from TCP or Lindy.
    This fits into the HDMI plug on the Aura and the cable connects to that.
    I have had one fitted since day one and I have had no problems with TV switch on
    unlike on my FVP5000 previously.
    It must be accepted that the Aura will switch on ,usually overnight, for updates but this adaptor will prevent it from turning on the TV as well.
    Give it a try, these adaptors are not expensive and have worked for me

    | Fri 27 Aug 2021 9:25:37 #38 |
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    >The answer is an adaptor, available from TCP or Lindy.

    Have you got a link - is it this one:

    I'm going to give it a try and let you all know how it goes.

    | Fri 27 Aug 2021 11:09:53 #39 |
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    And the use of said adapter is recommended on this forum time and time again and is there for anyone to see if they actually take the time to read/search/investigate the numerous instances of the advice being given.

    | Fri 27 Aug 2021 11:17:55 #40 |

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