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Box turning on in middle of night

(57 posts)
  1. Barry


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    HuMaximillian - 38 mins ago  » 
    >The answer is an adaptor, available from TCP or Lindy.
    Have you got a link - is it this one:
    I'm going to give it a try and let you all know how it goes.

    That is the one I bought many moons ago to test, it works.

    | Fri 27 Aug 2021 11:49:02 #41 |
  2. Mars


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    SSThing - 31 mins ago  » 
    And the use of said adapter is recommended on this forum time and time again and is there for anyone to see if they actually take the time to read/search/investigate the numerous instances of the advice being given.

    Is it not easier to switch off "Auto TV on" in the TV settings?

    | Fri 27 Aug 2021 11:50:24 #42 |
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    Mars - 1 hour ago  » 

    SSThing - 31 mins ago  » 
    And the use of said adapter is recommended on this forum time and time again and is there for anyone to see if they actually take the time to read/search/investigate the numerous instances of the advice being given.

    Is it not easier to switch off "Auto TV on" in the TV settings?

    There are many many options to try before buying one of these adapters.
    But the problem is hdmi-cec has so many variations/implementations between manufacturers that, occasionally, switching on/off all the correct settings still doesn't solve a particular problem. Or solving one issue creates another.
    I can't remember specifics but one one of my previous TV/Humax/audio receiver combos, if I turned off hdmi-cec on the Humax and the TV, certain functions of the home theatre didn't operate correctly but by adding the adapter (and leaving cec on) it did.
    There is no 100% guarantee with hdmi-cec and people need to stop having the attitude that it's just a Humax function that should work all the time.
    Just have a quick look at Wikipedia
    to see how many variations there are.

    | Fri 27 Aug 2021 13:37:45 #43 |
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    The point is that it was working ok and is no longer however as it has this function it should therefore work as intended

    | Fri 27 Aug 2021 15:57:52 #44 |
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    I’ve had to power off my TV overnight rather than leaving it in standby mode.

    Most modern TV use about 0.5 watt in standby so they are not exactly burning electricity. OLED TVs have a pixel refresh process that operates in standby to avoid image retention, and many TVs check for software updates in standby. Things have changed since the 1970s.
    Correct - I have a Sony OLED tv hence the preferred reasoning in leaving it in standby overnight are highlighted above - the Humax Aura did not used to power up on its own overnight but has started this anomaly in the last few weeks for me. Will report to Humax support.

    | Fri 27 Aug 2021 16:18:07 #45 |
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    phlppip - 26 mins ago  » 
    The point is that it was working ok and is no longer however as it has this function it should therefore work as intended

    And it would appear that, in your case, it is working as intended. Your issue is not with the hdmi-cec function, it's that the box is turning on at random times. However, it could very easily be another device triggering the start-up out of standby.

    | Fri 27 Aug 2021 16:29:13 #46 |
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    it could very easily be another device triggering the start-up out of standby.

    Maybe, but I'm not sure how. The only thing physically connected to mine is the TV and that's powered off at the socket. The only thing connected by Bluetooth is the RC and no one goes near it. There are plenty of other Bluetooth devices around (iPhones, iPads, Apple Watch, Echo, etc) but they tend to be powered up and in use all day, yet usually the Aura doesn't power itself on until after lunch.

    My BT YouView box never did this and nor does my father's Manhattan T3R.

    The simple fact is that Humax have told me it's a know fault that they're working on but there's no outlook for a fix.

    | Fri 27 Aug 2021 21:17:24 #47 |
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    It could be any random thing causing it.
    As an example. My old Dad has a stairlift and I have lost count of how many times he has got stuck halfway because the batteries went flat and the engineers just couldn't find a fault and repeatedly suggested he was not taking the chair fully down to the park/charging point.
    After I moved in to care for him, I was frequently woken up in the middle of the night by the chair beeping (indicating it was off charge and near depletion). So after a few weeks I rang the manufacturer (not the service company) and described the problem. "Do you have Smart Meters for your gas/electric?" I was asked. And the answer was yes. "OK, we know what the problem is" I was told. A couple of days later an engineer arrived with an upgraded circuit board (that receives the signal from the wireless remotes at top/bottom of the stairs), swapped out the parts and the stairlift has worked flawlessly ever since.
    Apparently, the smart meters, when they send out their readings, were triggering the chair to move off park just enough to stop it charging.
    So it could be anything.
    It could just as easily be the TV doing a nightly check (in stand-by) and that triggers the Aura to turn on which in turn switches the TV on.
    The adapter, for a few pounds, will stop this.

    | Sat 28 Aug 2021 6:58:03 #48 |
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    I received a response today from Humax support stating several people including myself have reported the occasional Humax Aura waking up overnight to expect a firmware update soon to resolve this issue, no date given.

    | Wed 8 Sep 2021 11:52:21 #49 |
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    That’s great news. Thanks for sharing.

    I realised that my Bluetooth headphones were triggering it whenever the laptop booted up. When I disabled that, things got 90% better. But still it switches on a few times through the day with no apparent trigger.

    The purchase of a hdmi cable which disables one of the pins (13) made no difference.

    Hope they get it sorted soon!

    | Wed 8 Sep 2021 13:25:34 #50 |

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