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Can’t control your TV/Soundbar, etc? Here’s why!

(8 posts)
  1. Shaunhoare


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    So, upon using the Aura for the first time I noticed it didn’t turn my TV off at the same time like every device connected does(Xbox,FireStick,etc) and had to use the universal remote function for that. Then I noticed it cannot control audio from my sound system like every device connected can to.

    Clearly an issue with CEC. Onto the next issue - ATMOS pass through doesn’t work as was promised. I believe it needs CEC ARC for ATMOS pass through to work. There is a CEC on/off section in the options but clearly it’s non functional.

    So, in short then, CEC isn’t implemented or doesn’t currently function, which is bad because even 14 year old devices like the PS3 can. If we can get them to add or fix it, it would solve quite a lot of issues(control, sound, etc).

    So, I’ve made the first step to ask them to add it.

    If everyone else who has these issue(which should be everyone without a harmony remote lol) then please contact them and tell them. If we all work together and make our voices heard, they might put their asses in gear and fix a giant issue.

    Thanks for attending my red talk.

    | Tue 5 Jan 2021 10:24:34 #1 |
  2. brian


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    So, upon using the Aura for the first time I noticed it didn’t turn my TV off at the same time like every device connected does(Xbox,FireStick,etc) and had to use the universal remote function for that.

    There is a CEC on/off section in the options but clearly it’s non functional.

    So, in short then, CEC isn’t implemented or doesn’t currently function

    The TV power on/off CEC feature is implemented, and does currently work when enabled.

    | Tue 5 Jan 2021 10:36:41 #2 |
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    The problem with CEC (as has been discussed on here numerous times) is that there are umpteen manufacturers each implementing their own slightly different versions of CEC, often calling it different things (Panasonic Viera Link or Sony Bravia Sync to name just two).
    Unfortunately (and this comes from 15+ years as an installer), if it works out of the box brilliant , if it doesn't you will pull out your hair in frustration trying to get everything to work as you expect it to.
    I turned mine off years ago.

    | Tue 5 Jan 2021 10:46:17 #3 |
  4. gomezz


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    I use a Harmony universal remote control but rather than turn CEC off on the TV completely I use an HDMI adaptor which does not pass through CEC signalling on the TV HDMI input that connects to my source devices (through an HDMI switch in my case but also would work for an AVR TV output).

    This allows me to continue to use CEC signalling for my Chromecast dongle plugged into a different HDMI socket on the TV so I can Pause / Play / Stop the Chromecast stream using the remote control.

    | Tue 5 Jan 2021 11:10:43 #4 |
  5. Shaunhoare


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    brian - 1 hour ago  » 

    So, upon using the Aura for the first time I noticed it didn’t turn my TV off at the same time like every device connected does(Xbox,FireStick,etc) and had to use the universal remote function for that.

    There is a CEC on/off section in the options but clearly it’s non functional.

    So, in short then, CEC isn’t implemented or doesn’t currently function

    The TV power on/off CEC feature is implemented, and does currently work when enabled.

    I believe that is the /only/ function for CEC implemented. All is ask for is Volume control via CEC too, to potentially help ATMOS work(which was a promised function).

    SSThing - 1 hour ago  » 
    The problem with CEC (as has been discussed on here numerous times) is that there are umpteen manufacturers each implementing their own slightly different versions of CEC, often calling it different things (Panasonic Viera Link or Sony Bravia Sync to name just two).
    Unfortunately (and this comes from 15+ years as an installer), if it works out of the box brilliant , if it doesn't you will pull out your hair in frustration trying to get everything to work as you expect it to.
    I turned mine off years ago.

    Whilst I would normally agree with you, the Aura is the only device out of say 8 I have it had plugged in with fully working CEC, so it’s clearly a Humax Aura problem.

    | Tue 5 Jan 2021 11:57:19 #5 |
  6. brian


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    Shaunhoare - 14 mins ago  » 

    brian - 1 hour ago  » 

    So, upon using the Aura for the first time I noticed it didn’t turn my TV off at the same time like every device connected does(Xbox,FireStick,etc) and had to use the universal remote function for that.

    There is a CEC on/off section in the options but clearly it’s non functional.

    So, in short then, CEC isn’t implemented or doesn’t currently function

    The TV power on/off CEC feature is implemented, and does currently work when enabled.

    I believe that is the /only/ function for CEC implemented. All is ask for is Volume control via CEC too, to potentially help ATMOS work(which was a promised function).

    Yet you still make false claims that this TV power on/off CEC feature is not implemented in the aura.

    | Tue 5 Jan 2021 12:15:56 #6 |
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    It does seem to only work patchily though. Mine can merrily turn everything off for a few days, then reverts to leaving the TV and soundbar on.

    It doesn't really bother me though.

    | Wed 6 Jan 2021 7:29:05 #7 |
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    Mine doesn't work either with a one year old Samsung RU7400 tv.

    | Wed 6 Jan 2021 9:58:31 #8 |

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