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Connect to internet using TP-Link WR802N

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    I have an HB-1000S and want to connect to the internet however I don't have broadband. So, I purchased the TP-Link WR802N, which can convert WiFi to LAN in client mode.
    I have set it up and my HB-1000S says that I'm connected via LAN cable however I cannot get Showtime or On Demand to work. They both say "this will take less than a minute so try again later". No matter how long I wait though, nothing!
    Has anybody else set up in this way?
    Am I missing something?



    | Sat 4 Mar 2017 23:36:13 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    steveb60 - 1 hour ago  » 
    I have an HB-1000S and want to connect to the internet however I don't have broadband. So, I purchased the TP-Link WR802N, which can convert WiFi to LAN in client mode.

    So what WiFi is the WR802N connecting to if you don't have broadband?

    | Sun 5 Mar 2017 0:49:11 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    steveb60 - 10 hours ago  » 
    I have an HB-1000S and want to connect to the internet however I don't have broadband. So, I purchased the TP-Link WR802N, which can convert WiFi to LAN in client mode.
    I have set it up and my HB-1000S says that I'm connected via LAN cable however I cannot get Showtime or On Demand to work. They both say "this will take less than a minute so try again later". No matter how long I wait though, nothing!
    Has anybody else set up in this way?
    Am I missing something?

    If you don't have broadband how do you expect to be able to connect to the internet ? Basic requirement is a ISP (Internet Service Provider) and router connected to a cable service or ADSL telephone line. Other options (very expensive) are available eg A satellite link.

    A lan (local area network) allows all your kit to talk to each other, without a router the lan has no external access.

    Do you have a smart phone ? If so you can use this as a wireless internet access point, though you would need a very generous data allowance.

    | Sun 5 Mar 2017 9:57:05 #3 |
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    Hi Martin and Graham

    I should have been more explicit in my original post...

    I'm using mobile data, I have a huge data allowance, don't have nor want landline or broadband.
    The WR802N, which is the router, is connected and the Humax tells me I'm connected but no On Demand or Showtime.
    I've tried automatic and manual connection. In the manual connection setup I have entered all of the details (ISP, DNS, gateway etc.) from the WR802N and I have also tried switching off DCHP and reserving the DNS for the Humax's MAC address.

    By the way, I have tested the setup by connecting my laptop using the WR802N and it works perfectly, internet access as usual.



    | Sun 5 Mar 2017 10:13:17 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    steveb60 - 1 hour ago  » 
    Hi Martin and Graham
    I should have been more explicit in my original post...
    I'm using mobile data, I have a huge data allowance, don't have nor want landline or broadband.
    The WR802N, which is the router, is connected and the Humax tells me I'm connected but no On Demand or Showtime.
    I've tried automatic and manual connection. In the manual connection setup I have entered all of the details (ISP, DNS, gateway etc.) from the WR802N and I have also tried switching off DCHP and reserving the DNS for the Humax's MAC address.
    By the way, I have tested the setup by connecting my laptop using the WR802N and it works perfectly, internet access as usual.

    That makes a lot more sense now Steve. What sort of download speed do you get using the laptop ?

    How long did you leave the Humax switched on, it can take a while for the on demand icons to populate for the first time ?

    | Sun 5 Mar 2017 11:18:25 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    steveb60 - 1 hour ago  » 
    In the manual connection setup I have entered all of the details (ISP, DNS, gateway etc.) from the WR802N and I have also tried switching off DCHP and reserving the DNS for the Humax's MAC address.

    None of that sounds right. When using automatic setup what are the connection details reported by the Humax>

    | Sun 5 Mar 2017 11:38:49 #6 |
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    In answer to Graham's questions:

    The Humax has been on for hours, when I select Showcase or On Demand I get "Showcase (or ON Demand) is loading", and below that "This should take less than 1 minute so please try again shortly", no matter how many times I try. If I leave this screen open it eventually just closes by itself and goes back to TV.

    In answer to Martin:

    If I select "connect automatically" it says it's connecting but eventually times out with the message "sorry, no internet connection has been detected". Select "connect manually".
    So, I set the manual internet connection as follows (details from the WR802N):

    IP address,
    Primary DNS,
    Select "connect now", then I get "Great you're connected"
    On demand TV, in the box I have BBC iPlayer and ITV Player. On the right of the box I have Internet connection BeBox, below which is a tick next to IP
    Select "Done".
    Go back to On Demand and the same thing ("loading... should tale less than 1 minute...).
    If I click "OK" at this time I get "on demand is not currently available".
    If I go to settings/system information/network info I can see the settings:

    Connection type, manual.
    All other information (IP, Netmask etc.) is the same as above plus the Humax's MAC address is shown here.



    | Sun 5 Mar 2017 12:26:01 #7 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    steveb60 - 1 hour ago  » 

    If I select "connect automatically" it says it's connecting but eventually times out with the message "sorry, no internet connection has been detected".

    I think you want to concentrate on sorting this out. Is there a DHCP server running on the WR802N?

    Select "connect manually".
    So, I set the manual internet connection as follows (details from the WR802N):
    IP address,
    Primary DNS,

    Having the primary DNS on a different subnet is very unlikely to work; where did you get the primary DNS address from?

    | Sun 5 Mar 2017 13:43:10 #8 |
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    Hi Martin

    Yes, there is a DHCP server running on the WR802N. I have tried with it both enabled and disabled with a reserved IP address for the Humax's MAC address...
    I got the primary DNS address from the WR802N's admin console.
    I have tried setting both the gateway and primary DNS to and both to but the result is the same.
    The IP address range available is



    | Sun 5 Mar 2017 14:02:21 #9 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    steveb60 - 55 minutes ago  » 
    Yes, there is a DHCP server running on the WR802N. I have tried with it both enabled and disabled with a reserved IP address for the Humax's MAC address...

    So does the Humax get an IP address from the DHCP server?

    I got the primary DNS address from the WR802N's admin console.

    But the router will be using NAT (Network Address translation) so you can't use that address for a device attached to the router.

    I have tried setting both the gateway and primary DNS to and both to but the result is the same.

    The gateway MUST be on the same subnet as the device in a setup like yours so leave it at The primary DNS needs to either be on the same subnet or to be a routable IP address which anything starting 192.168.*.* is not. Try setting the primary DNS to a publicly available address; eg (Google DNS) or (Open DNS).

    | Sun 5 Mar 2017 15:10:17 #10 |

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