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Cookies & Players & Guide roll back

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    I am finding that every 2 or 3 days my guide will not show past programs, at the same time the players also don't show (the top row, the 5 main channels)If I clear the cookies in the players screen, everything goes back to normal. Is this a known problem?

    | Tue 5 Mar 2019 10:06:10 #1 |
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    I see this as well so could be a regular problem.

    | Tue 5 Mar 2019 13:33:22 #2 |
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    Yep, same problem here. I've put a 24 hr timer so the box reboots every morning, seems to have solved the problem.

    | Tue 5 Mar 2019 16:36:39 #3 |
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    I believe this problem - together with other issues with the FVP500T are associated with the networking infrastructure in the home - I particular the router. I acquired one of these boxes in January and had endless problems like this - missing players, failing On Demand etc. I suspect DNS problems. 4 weeks ago I upgraded my router (for other reasons - Draytek 2862) and since then have had no problems at all and not had to reboot the FVP since. Previously I had a Draytek 2760 (Linux version) and two Sagem routers (BT and Plusnet). All three caused the FVP to exhibit these problems. I found that if the FVP reported the router as the DNS server (i.e. or depending on router model)- (check network connection function on the FVP) the problems disappeared after a reboot, only to return a few hours later. Now the FVP reports the DNS servers as those designated by the ISP (Plusnet in my case). The FVP makes regular calls to many different network servers to work properly (Humax portal, Netflix etc.) and I suspect DNS caching in a domestic router may be failing. Though I must confess that my research is far from complete.I am tracing network traffic with Wireshark). I will update further if I get new information - when I get the time! If anyone with these problems could check the DNS servers allocated to the FVP and post back it would be most helpful.

    | Wed 6 Mar 2019 17:12:07 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    GrahamRHK - 1 hour ago  » 
    I found that if the FVP reported the router as the DNS server (i.e. or depending on router model)- (check network connection function on the FVP) the problems disappeared after a reboot, only to return a few hours later. Now the FVP reports the DNS servers as those designated by the ISP (Plusnet in my case).

    Thank you, that is a very interesting post. I have been wondering for a while why I don't see the problems that are commonly reported here. I have a manually configured IP address on the FVP and the primary DNS is set to the OpenDNS server ( and the secondary DNS to my ISPs DNS server, so I am bypassing the router for DNS purposes; I think if your theory is correct then using a fixed IP address and a stable DNS server might be an alternative to purchasing an admittedly nice but pricey Draytek router.

    | Wed 6 Mar 2019 19:00:25 #5 |
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    I have checked my FVP & found the DNS's set to & Some time ago I set my router to a fixed IP for the FVP.
    The reason was that I was having big problems with my ISP & having to reboot the router regularly to reconnect the internet.
    This caused the dynamic IP to alter every reboot, which would then require a reboot of the FVP. After 2 1/2 months TalkTalk & openreach have finally managed to give me a quiet phone line & a stable internet. Also I notice on the web that TT have been recently having DNS server problems. The DNS's in my router are different from those widely shown on the net. This morning I manually set the DNS's in the FVP to those shown by my router,& cleared the cookies. So far OK, Time will tell, about a week should prove if the problem is fixed. Just wondering if any of this will effect the live TV app and the MyHumax, which has never worked correctly!

    | Thu 7 Mar 2019 8:56:25 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Philip - 2 hours ago  » 
    The DNS's in my router are different from those widely shown on the net.

    Could you explain what you mean please?

    | Thu 7 Mar 2019 11:23:19 #7 |
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    Yes If I google TalkTalk DNS I get & When I look at my router (d-link 3782) I find the setting are, &

    | Thu 7 Mar 2019 11:41:20 #8 |
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    Just had a look at thr TalkTalk support site they say the D-link DNS can't be changed & do not say on the site what it is set to. Also they if you are using a non TT router to use the 79.79 etc DNS

    | Thu 7 Mar 2019 12:31:37 #9 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Philip - 50 minutes ago  » 
    Yes If I google TalkTalk DNS I get & When I look at my router (d-link 3782) I find the setting are, &

    Thank you. This link quotes the DNS values you are using, so they seem to be an alternate TalkTalk DNS. If they are working for you then leave well alone. If you do start seeing problems then I recommend OpenDNS and works well for me and solved problems I was having with ISP DNS and Google DNS.

    | Thu 7 Mar 2019 12:38:13 #10 |

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