My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S

Copy function still unresolved.

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    ..there's simply no logic to your replies.

    We certainly do seem to be talking at cross-purposes. Time to agree to disagree, I suspect.

    | Sun 28 Feb 2016 15:34:42 #21 |
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    Humax could of improved the functionality of the 1000s but I'm guessing they spent too much time, effort and money fixing the software issues it has been plagued with, I doubt they want to make them anymore complicated than they already are. [that's just my opinion]

    | Sun 28 Feb 2016 17:51:12 #22 |
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    Reffub - 28 minutes ago  » 
    Humax could of improved the functionality of the 1000s but I'm guessing they spent too much time, effort and money fixing the software issues it has been plagued with, I doubt they want to make them anymore complicated than they already are. [that's just my opinion]

    Yep, I agree, as per post #9 above. Could well be the case.

    | Sun 28 Feb 2016 18:22:01 #23 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    Reffub - 5 hours ago  » 
    Humax could of improved the functionality of the 1000s but I'm guessing they spent too much time, effort and money fixing the software issues it has been plagued with, I doubt they want to make them anymore complicated than they already are. [that's just my opinion]

    Humax could no doubt have released the box with the same capability as the HDR FOX T2 freeview box or the Foxsat-HDR. Wihout the complication imposed by Freesat in the Freeview specification for Freetime (especially the imposition of a LUKS encrypted recording partition), there would be no complications. Originally it was thought that the new box would include a protected DLNA streaming software as featured in the HDR FOX T2, this allows streaming of even HD content, years before Sky Q latched onto the potential.

    The Spec and User Interface is entirely down to Freesat.

    While all the channels that appear on the Freesat epg are transmitted without encryption, and there are dozens of generic FTA pvr ready (recording to a external hard disk) or PVR models with internal hard disks, that record the content without any sort of restriction as to copying, it seems hard to understand who the restrictions are aimed at.

    Anyone wanting to illegally pirate and distribute this content will be well aware of this. Satellite PVR ready FTA HD recorders can be bought for much less than a Freetime box.

    You have to wonder why all the freetime technology is aimed at those of us who aren't pirates, and merely want to save our recordings to a replacement box, should our box prematurely expire.

    | Sun 28 Feb 2016 23:34:39 #24 |
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    JamesB - 8 hours ago  » 

    ..there's simply no logic to your replies.

    We certainly do seem to be talking at cross-purposes. Time to agree to disagree, I suspect.

    Absolutely, though in reality there's nothing to disagree about as you don't really have the answer to my question.

    | Sun 28 Feb 2016 23:49:03 #25 |
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    grahamlthompson - 21 minutes ago  » 

    Reffub - 5 hours ago  » 
    Humax could of improved the functionality of the 1000s but I'm guessing they spent too much time, effort and money fixing the software issues it has been plagued with, I doubt they want to make them anymore complicated than they already are. [that's just my opinion]

    Humax could no doubt have released the box with the same capability as the HDR FOX T2 freeview box or the Foxsat-HDR. Wihout the complication imposed by Freesat in the Freeview specification for Freetime (especially the imposition of a LUKS encrypted recording partition), there would be no complications. Originally it was thought that the new box would include a protected DLNA streaming software as featured in the HDR FOX T2, this allows streaming of even HD content, years before Sky Q latched onto the potential.
    The Spec and User Interface is entirely down to Freesat.
    While all the channels that appear on the Freesat epg are transmitted without encryption, and there are dozens of generic FTA pvr ready (recording to a external hard disk) or PVR models with internal hard disks, that record the content without any sort of restriction as to copying, it seems hard to understand who the restrictions are aimed at.
    Anyone wanting to illegally pirate and distribute this content will be well aware of this. Satellite PVR ready FTA HD recorders can be bought for much less than a Freetime box.
    You have to wonder why all the freetime technology is aimed at those of us who aren't pirates, and merely want to save our recordings to a replacement box, should our box prematurely expire.

    Thank goodness for a well presented well explained summary of the issues Graham. I was beginning to think it was only me that could see the illogical position taken by Freesat in relation to the copying issue i.e. Freeview by aerial you can copy, Freeview by satellite dish you can't.

    I think that whilst the world has moved on tech wise the television and film industry are still thrashing around trying to cling on to a failed business model. Even though they now provide streaming services the commercial operators do so through gritted teeth.

    I suspect they look back with envy to the golden years when you had to watch output at a time of 'their choosing' not yours and they had audiences of over twenty million.

    | Mon 29 Feb 2016 0:06:30 #26 |
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    In many alternative universes <free time> was scraped and any 1000S type boxes that were sold were eventually replaced with brand new and vastly superior Humax Freesat satellite PVR's. These new models had all the functions that their customers needed and proved to be extremely successful throughout the multiverse.

    But in our verse far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of a Galaxy there is a small unregarded yellow sun. Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-two million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that some still think <free time> is a pretty neat idea.

    Thanks to DA.

    | Tue 1 Mar 2016 11:28:36 #27 |
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    Reffub - 1 hour ago  » 
    In many alternative universes <free time> was scraped and any 1000S type boxes that were sold were eventually replaced with brand new and vastly superior Humax Freesat satellite PVR's. These new models had all the functions that their customers needed and proved to be extremely successful throughout the multiverse.
    But in our verse far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of a Galaxy there is a small unregarded yellow sun. Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-two million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that some still think <free time> is a pretty neat idea.
    Thanks to DA.

    You know what! If I didn't know better I'd say you were having a sarcastic pop at Freesat/freetime.

    | Tue 1 Mar 2016 12:38:36 #28 |

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