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Disappearing Humax icon

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    I used to be able to stream the FVP5000 recordings to the bedroom Samsung TV. Very often, the Humax icon in the "source" (symbols at the bottom of the screen) would disappear. Eventually, it disappeared altogether, & Richer Sounds sent the TV back to Samsung to have the wifi replaced.
    When the TV came back, it took 5 days for the Humax icon to appear, then it was gone for two days, but now it has gone again.
    I have contacted Samsung (chat line) but their agent doesn't understand what I am trying to do, & has even said that this TV isn't made to do this!
    How can I retrieve the Humax icon in the "source" option?

    | Mon 1 Nov 2021 10:24:19 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    inspector - 19 mins ago  » 
    How can I retrieve the Humax icon in the "source" option?

    Is the TV able to provide other service provided over the network eg BBC iPlayer? Similarly is the Humax able to use BBC iPlayer? In the Humax settings> Advanced Settings is the Network Server on and is the Server Activation Time set correctly for the times when you want to stream to the TV? If all that is correct then tell us the IP addresses of the Humax and the TV?

    | Mon 1 Nov 2021 10:50:21 #2 |
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    Yes, both the TV & the Humax can access iplayer etc. Network server is on, IP address, activation time 00.01 - 23.59. TV

    | Mon 1 Nov 2021 11:10:15 #3 |
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    If you have any kind of powersaving function on your router (that recognises there is no activity) disable it. If the router is in a low activity mode when you turn on the bedroom TV, the TV won't find the Humax.

    | Mon 1 Nov 2021 12:01:10 #4 |
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    I have a Vergin Media Hub4 but don't know if this has that function. Hardly ever touch it.

    | Mon 1 Nov 2021 12:10:49 #5 |
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    Have a look in the settings for powersaving, eco etc.

    The symptom you are describing for the TV are the same as when the "recommended" and apps icons are missing on the homepage of the 4000t/5000t and this is (for me at least) caused when I press "home" and my Humax hasn't completed its connection to the network. If I wait a few seconds they reappear.

    | Mon 1 Nov 2021 12:16:38 #6 |
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    Can't find any mention of powersaving. It does say that there is only one connected device, IP
    Don't know what that is.

    | Mon 1 Nov 2021 13:16:24 #7 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    inspector - 1 hour ago  » 
    Can't find any mention of powersaving. It does say that there is only one connected device, IP
    Don't know what that is.

    As an experiment, you might consider temporarily moving the TV somewhere you can use a wired network connection to try and establish if the problem is WiFi related.

    | Mon 1 Nov 2021 14:40:05 #8 |
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    The TV is fixed to the wall, & I would have difficulty moving the Humax.

    | Mon 1 Nov 2021 14:54:49 #9 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    inspector - 21 mins ago  » 
    The TV is fixed to the wall, & I would have difficulty moving the Humax.

    Fair enough. Does your WiFi come only from the router or you do have WiFi extenders or a mesh system?

    | Mon 1 Nov 2021 15:20:23 #10 |

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