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Disappearing Humax icon

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    | Mon 1 Nov 2021 20:51:26 #21 |
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    The wifi is OK as catchup works.

    | Tue 2 Nov 2021 8:07:41 #22 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    inspector - 2 hours ago  » 
    The wifi is OK as catchup works.

    I am guessing that going via the WiFi socket is in some way interfering with the UPnP discovery of devices that DLNA depends upon.

    | Tue 2 Nov 2021 10:52:20 #23 |
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    I was having this problem before the wifi socket was fitted, but now a new wifi system has been installed in the TV by Samsung.
    Anyway, I have tried the TV -no Humax icon. Switched wifi socket off, tried TV - Humax icon!!

    As it comes & goes, I will try it a few times to see if this is solved.
    Thank you ML

    | Tue 2 Nov 2021 11:01:17 #24 |
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    Martin Liddle - 8 mins ago  » 

    inspector - 2 hours ago  » 
    The wifi is OK as catchup works.

    I am guessing that going via the WiFi socket is in some way interfering with the UPnP discovery of devices that DLNA depends upon.

    Which is exactly what I have suggested (although you have used the correct jargon :-)).[b]At least I thought I had suggested this, because I remember typing the reply but I must not have pressed save on the post)
    Almost certainly the weakest link in this setup is the wifi plug. And, again almost certainly, it has some kind of powersaving function that shuts down connections after X minutes of inactivity (but as I mentioned previously, this could be your router settings), the Humax icon disappears from the TV and then there is no way for the TV to trigger the connection again. The only option will be to restart the server (via settings) or reboot the Humax completely. The fact that the TV wifi is "working" is irrelevant, same with the catchup services on the Humax. Something is closing the link between the TV and the Humax and its not a faulty TV and, as flakey as 4000t/5000t are, I doubt the Humax is faulty either.

    | Tue 2 Nov 2021 11:15:19 #25 |
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    Three times I've checked today, with the wifi socket turned off, & the Humax icon was there. Not so the fourth time though.

    | Tue 2 Nov 2021 17:46:44 #26 |
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    OK, so that goes some way towards eliminating the wifi repeater as the culprit.
    Try a set of homeplug adapters. These are different to the repeater as they use the household ring main to route the signal and each device uses an ethernet cable to connect to the adapter.

    Either use one for the Humax and one for the router or get a set of 3 and use one for the TV aswell.

    | Wed 3 Nov 2021 8:58:26 #27 |
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    But the wifi is OK in the bedroom, as catchup works. The problem lies with the Samsung TV

    | Wed 3 Nov 2021 9:12:36 #28 |
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    inspector - 32 mins ago  » 
    But the wifi is OK in the bedroom, as catchup works. The problem lies with the Samsung TV

    I really don't think it does.
    The icon is visible on the Samsung when the TV can "see" the Humax (the upnp stuff that Martin refers to). The catchup services via WiFi is a completely different thing.
    And as I said in post #25, once the icon is dropped there is no way for the TV to reinitiate the connection.
    As the WiFi plug is now pretty much ruled out, the issue then would be the connection between the Humax and the router or the router itself closing down an inactive connection.

    | Wed 3 Nov 2021 9:51:43 #29 |
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    Strange? Edge wouldn't let me in! I have had to use Chrome.

    As a house move is on the cards, I will have to accept my streaming problem.
    tHanks for your help folks.

    | Wed 3 Nov 2021 10:27:37 #30 |

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