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DLNA/UPNP issues

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    Not sure if the entire option is missing, or Kodi hides upnp when it can't see any devices.

    Did you mean to say you installed Kodi on the aura box as well as the client or was that a typo?

    | Sun 22 Jan 2023 18:42:18 #21 |
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    I only have Kodi on my Firestick.

    | Sun 22 Jan 2023 19:20:55 #22 |
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    Misterhumax - 49 mins ago  » 
    Not sure if the entire option is missing, or Kodi hides upnp when it can't see any devices.
    Did you mean to say you installed Kodi on the aura box as well as the client or was that a typo?

    Kodi was installed on my Aura when it arrived a few weeks ago, it updated to 20.0 shortly after.
    Kodi - client?
    I have Kodi running on a RPI3 (OpenElec) and an old Amazon stick. I have a NAS with lots of DVD's and music on it, plus a VBox TV Gateway (IPTV), so accessing all via Kodi works well.
    I only looked at the Aura Kodi (20.0) to see if upnp was there.

    Just remembered mu Win10 laptop came up as a upnp device on Aura Kodi as did the other devices running Kodi.

    | Sun 22 Jan 2023 19:36:37 #23 |
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    I threw caution to the wind and installed v20 and all works as it did before, phew

    UPnP option is still there.

    | Mon 23 Jan 2023 16:47:31 #24 |
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    I've noticed DLNA is a bit of an issue. I find that if I restart the Aura box or turn the box off, my Firestick and VLC then play fine, its as though the sever just stops responding after a day or so.

    Might be helpful

    | Wed 25 Jan 2023 9:38:04 #25 |
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    dogtanian - 47 mins ago  » 
    I've noticed DLNA is a bit of an issue. I find that if I restart the Aura box or turn the box off, my Firestick and VLC then play fine, its as though the sever just stops responding after a day or so.
    Might be helpful

    Do you give enough time for the Aura to connect after it being turned off or do you leaves yours on?.

    I notice my Aura needs to be on for a couple of minutes after coming out of deep standby before I can connect to it.

    Also, if the Aura is already on and I want to play something on my Firestick through Kodi, I need to get Kodi open again for a couple of minutes before it will connect to the Aura. If I open up Kodi and try to connect to the Aura (which is visible) straightaway it says it cannot connect. Try again in a couple of minutes and it works a treat.

    | Wed 25 Jan 2023 10:29:15 #26 |

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