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Drive not visible on PC

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    RichardS-UK - 2 hours ago  » 
    I removed the Cat 6 cable and set up the FVP-4000T wifi. The wifi works fine and might have the advantage that at least with wifi the network/SAMBA server does not have to be restarted every time I restart the Humax.

    Richard can you explain please. I don't understand why you would need to restart anything else other than the Humax.

    From your W.10 PC can you ping IP (using the name IP and not the address)
    Is the address resolved and do you get a reply.

    | Tue 29 Dec 2015 12:18:55 #41 |
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    grahamlthompson - 6 hours ago  » 
    You aren't trying to view recordings directly from the box internal drive by any chance ?. To decrypt you would have to copy the file to a folder on your PC. Copy and paste or drag and drop will copy the file, provided of course you can see the drive as a mapped network drive.

    Nope. What I'm trying to do and what I believe Barry has been able to do is see the listing of Recorded files on the Humax, either through the Network Dicovery listing or through a mapped drive, or simply by typing the server path into File Explorer. Although I was finally able to connect to the Humax (although this is apparently causing a lot of confusion on the web because the Humax is not networked discoverable for many people) and I can now see the listing, both the HD and SD files are listed as encrypted .ts files, unlike in Barry's screenshot where the SD files are shown an unencrypted and, according to Humax, you should be able to copy/drag and drop them to the Windows PC and play them. The problem is that when I copy the SD .ts files to my Windows PCs (Vista or W10), the files remain as .ts encrypted. They are not being decrypted.

    However, I have made more progress today! If I copy an SD recording file to a memory stick plugged into the Humax - it's a very slow 40 minutes for a 1.5GB file - then the .ts file on the USB stick is decrypted, which is presumably why the copying is so slow. I can play the .ts file so obtained in most of my GNU players and even play it in WMP provided I change the extension from .ts to .mpg.

    It seems clear that the decrypt function is working but not through the SAMBA / Windows file copy process that Humax says it should. At least, it is for some people like Barry but I suspect that those people on the web like me who cannot see the Humax through Network Discovery will have the same problem that I have i.e. if you have to "force" a connection to the FVP-4000T by using the proper server path name then you will bypass the decrypt functionality.

    I suspect that only Humax will be able sort this out but at least I've done all the investigative work for them!


    | Tue 29 Dec 2015 18:05:30 #42 |
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    REPASSAC - 5 hours ago  » 

    RichardS-UK - 2 hours ago  » 
    I removed the Cat 6 cable and set up the FVP-4000T wifi. The wifi works fine and might have the advantage that at least with wifi the network/SAMBA server does not have to be restarted every time I restart the Humax.

    Richard can you explain please. I don't understand why you would need to restart anything else other than the Humax.
    From your W.10 PC can you ping IP (using the name IP and not the address)
    Is the address resolved and do you get a reply.

    Yes, I can ping the Humax from Vista, Win 10 or Ubuntu and get a quick response. If I then open the drive mapped to Recordings or Download (where I have already uploaded a number of photo, music and video files) the folder is empty. However, if I then restart the SAMBA server by deselecting and re-selecting SAMBA in the Humax menu, the open folder on the PC is immediately populated with files.

    If I then shut down the Humax and refresh the folder the file listing naturally vanishes. When I turn on the Humax and then refresh the folder again it stays empty until I re-start the SAMBA server.

    The Network Server in the Humax which I believe is the DLNA server is the server which generates the ping and that seems to run reliably.

    I should say that this SAMBA server issue is not a big issue in itself because if I want to download any files to my PC from the Humax I am quite happy to simply re-start the SMB server as and when necessary. However, I suspect that the problem with me not being able to download decrytped SD .ts files over my network is connected to the issue with the SAMBA server.

    The transfer to USB is a partial workaround as I can probably use my GB USB portable hard drive (not tried it yet!) and leave it overnight to copy decryted SD files. However, this is obviously not as convenient as copying over LAN which the Humax can do for some people and which Humax say it is supposed to be able to do.


    | Tue 29 Dec 2015 18:27:12 #43 |
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    A quick update for anyone following this.

    Humax technical services have now received copies of the unplayable SD .ts network downloaded files for analysis.

    Their intial reaction was that SD .ts files copied from the mapped network "Recordings" drive should be playable with VLC. However, I have the lastest version of VLC and have tried with several SD .ts files and they are all encrypted or something.

    I will update this thread in due course.


    | Sun 3 Jan 2016 10:04:57 #44 |
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    OK, I've finally finished my investigation of the FVP-4000T network problems and provided UK Tech Support with my conclusions. If you have any of these issues Humax UK technical support will not be able to assist you I'm afraid.

    Firstly, these problems may well not be applicable if you have the 1.00.63 firmware. I have the 1.00.59 and have asked Humax to make the 1.00.63 firmware available on the web as they are apparently not the same. Humax have promised to follow this up so keep a lookout on the FVP-4000T downloads webpage.

    You may not be able to update the Humax to the new firmware over the internet as 1.00.59 seems to be buggy in this respect but you will be able to update using a USB stick.

    Secondly, 1.00.59 does not seem to be able to automatically re-start the Samba (SMB)server or the FTP server when you start the FTP-4000T. The media server seems to re-start properly but if you wish to use FTP or SMB you will need to re-select NO then YES to Samba and FTP in settings.

    Finally, if you have 1.00.59 you will probably find that you cannot use the Samba server with Vista or Windows 7 but it will be fine with Windows 10. I have not tried Windows 8 but I would guess that Win 8 will also work.

    The problem with Vista / Win7 is they they appear not to auto-discover the Samba server through network discovery. When network discovery works under Win 10 it maps to a folder called "My Contents" which is, effectively, the root folder. All the other folders, Recordings / Media (Downloads / Music / Video / Photo) are sub-folders of "My Contents" and can be accessed or mapped using network addressing i.e. \\IP Address\Folder but you cannot access the "My Contents" folder in this way and if you do not have access to "My Contents" you do not have access to the DTCP-IP file (Digital Transmission Content Protection) which is the algorithm needed to decrypt the SD recordings over Samba.

    If your file listing consists of .ts files and .dtcp-ip files then you have the correct access and can decrypt the .ts files to .mpg on-the-fly.

    If your file listing consists of .ts .nts and .hjm files, as it will over network IP-address mapping or FTP, then you have bypassed the DTCP-IP decoding and you will not be able to play the SD recordings. HD recordings are never decoded on-the-fly.

    In conclusion if you have the 1.00.59 firmware and are trying to access your FTP-4000T to download and play SD recordings using Vista or Win7 then you seem to be out of luck. Win10 will work though.

    1.00.63 may be better in all these respects but unless Humax make it publicily available I cannot test it.

    I hope this is helpful to others.


    | Thu 21 Jan 2016 10:36:37 #45 |
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    Thanks for all the hours of research you have put in.
    Yes, I run Win 7 so you saved me huge amounts of time working out why it didm't work.

    | Wed 25 Jan 2017 20:47:43 #46 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    Quanter - 13 hours ago  » 
    Thanks for all the hours of research you have put in.
    Yes, I run Win 7 so you saved me huge amounts of time working out why it didm't work.

    The post you responded to is 12 months old

    | Thu 26 Jan 2017 10:00:05 #47 |
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    The post may be a year old but it's still relevant as current Humax patch level is still 59.

    | Thu 26 Jan 2017 15:01:30 #48 |
  9. Barry


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    Quanter - 43 seconds ago  » 
    The post may be a year old but it's still relevant as current Humax patch level is still 59.

    Ah but it is now..... 1.01.57

    | Thu 26 Jan 2017 15:02:30 #49 |
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    I know this is an old thread but seems to cover my problem but without solution.

    I am trying to copy files from my FVP-400T to my Windows 10 Laptop.

    Following the posts above I think I should be accessing the FVP-4000T via the This PC/FVP-4000T Media Server DMS (IP address)/My contents/recordings. Copying the files from here should convert them on the fly to the PC to be playable (SD only not HD).

    This is where my issue starts. When I try to copy the copying window appears but is stuck on 0% even when left over night and cant be cancelled properly without restarting the laptop.

    Any ideas am I doing something wrong.

    | Fri 27 Jan 2017 21:58:29 #50 |

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