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DTR T10x0 successful repair

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    SteveZ - 1 year ago  » 
    My thanks again to this forum. My T1010 has already had a HDD failure - replaced and now fixed. This time it would not reboot - stuck on 'please wait' then shut down. I have just replaced the ten 220µF 16v caps and all is now working again. Removing the caps was a pain and I finally drilled out the solder from the mounting holes using a 1mm drill! For the cost a less than £5 from RS Components (Stock Number 2286666) it is worth a try!! Unfortunately I have just bought a Humax FVP-5000T as a replacement, but the T1010 has some nice features missing on the later box - specifically the step forward through recorded adverts

    | Mon 13 Jul 2020 13:32:57 #31 |
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    Hi, I’m new to the forum and realise this is an oldish thread but was excited to see it the other night as I though it might be the answer to the problems I’m having with our T1000 box.
    It’s been getting stuck in standby mode and failing to record, if unplugged and left for ten minutes all comes back but it’s short lived and the problem returns. I’ve tried factory resets to no avail. Anyway, having read this I duly replaced the 10 220uf 16v capacitors and for about half an hour all seemed good, but my excitement was short-lived it’s back to the old fault again.
    The fault seems to occur once everything warms up. Any ideas what I should look at next? The main PSU reads 12v but I guess that might still be the issue if it drops over time? I’m tempted to swap the caps in that next.

    | Sun 9 Jan 2022 17:31:20 #32 |
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    Angelchops - 2 hours ago  » 

    The fault seems to occur once everything warms up. Any ideas what I should look at next? The main PSU reads 12v but I guess that might still be the issue if it drops over time? I’m tempted to swap the caps in that next.

    TV-Tony has had a lot of success with the DTR-T1010 and the DTR-T1000 is possibly similar

    | Sun 9 Jan 2022 20:21:25 #33 |
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    Humax DVR T1010 1TB is stuck at “Setup will start in a few moments following ‘Maintenance Mode’ factory reset

    The YouView DVR is about 5 years old and was working perfectly until recently, so I’m hoping someone can suggest what else I can try.

    Following a Factory Reset, after downloading and installing software successfully, the DVR is stuck at the “Setup will start in a few moments” stage, which never progresses. If the set is switched off and left (minutes/hours, same result), it immediately resumes “Setup …”. I have tried the various ‘Maintenance Mode’ options including ‘USB/Internet’ and all appear to download and install software but then become stuck at “Setup …”.

    Versions shown on screen during a Factory Reset: “Ver 0.13P” (blue text, bottom left) and “sysID 80B0.7000” (yellow text, top right), then after rebooting with “HUMAX” on screen “Ver A7.73” is displayed. Terrestrial arial and internet signals to the unit have been checked/tested and confirmed working ok.

    History how the DVR came to misbehave and my attempts at a repair:

    1. First indication of a problem: very slow response, no TV programs would work using remote channel select buttons or program guide, also nothing shown on My Recordings.
    2. Tried switching-off at mains, wait and reboot, but same problems remained.
    3. Retuned the DVR several times but after apparently retuning ok, still same problems.
    4. Carried out a Factory Reset via the remote control menus … afterwards just a black/blank screen displayed so couldn’t do anything further!
    5. Felt inclined to scrap the unit, but as a retired electronic engineer I couldn’t do that without a fight!
    6. Googled the problem and found this forum, which has a lot of interesting/helpful information. Appeared similar problems have been experienced by others, though I’m not sure if exactly same as mine.
    7. Followed the front panel method of accessing ‘Maintenance Mode’ and went through each of the options in turn … every time the same: ‘Downloading …’ then ‘Installing …’ appear to work ok. Unit reboots and on screen ‘HUMAX’ is displayed above a horizontal row of dots flashing ‘to & fro’, followed by “Let’s get started” then “Setup will start in a few moments” - setup never progresses any further however long it is left (up to all day tried).
    8. One thread talked about Hard Drive problems, so I removed mine. Microsoft tools didn’t give a conclusive result, so tried the Seagate tools. Drive supposedly passed with no problems reported. Sensibly or not I reformatted the drive for Windows PC use and could recognise and save/delete files (decided the Humax should reformat the drive on bootup, or ultimately could use the drive as a spare for the PC). The DVR has not however reformated the drive … is still as formatted as a Windows drive.
    9. Saw information in this thread from 2016 about the original 220uF 16V electrolytic capacitors becoming faulty (high ESR), so ordered a set of 10 Panasonic Low ESR FR Range caps and have changed them, but the unit still shows the same problem of sticking at “Setup will start …” after trying ‘Maintenance Mode’ with/without ‘USB/Internet’ options.
    10. In 2016 ‘andyfras’ mentioned two surface mount 10uF 50V caps, though he wasn’t convinced they needed to be changed. Wondering if changing them would help my problem.

    Any suggestions of other things to try would be most appreciated (e.g. 2 x surface mount 10uF 50V caps mentioned by andyfras back in 2016).


    | Mon 8 May 2023 6:13:40 #34 |
  5. andyfras


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    I suspect that the main processor has stopped communicating with the HDD, but doesn't realise it. So it downloads the firmware and thinks it has written it to the HDD, but when it comes to read it back in order to do the update, it waits, and waits....

    The solution (IMHO) will be to replace the solder on the main processor, ideally using leaded solder for reliability. Or just remelting the existing lead-free solder using a heat gun or my preferred method of hanging a 50W G10 bulb directly above the processor for at least 30 minutes, with plenty of liquid flux under the chip.

    To replace the BGA solder requires some very specialist equipment, so would probably require sending the unit off to a company in Belfast <>, which is what I eventually did with my HDR1010.

    | Mon 8 May 2023 7:48:10 #35 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    plasma - 8 hours ago  » 
    Any suggestions of other things to try would be most appreciated (e.g. 2 x surface mount 10uF 50V caps mentioned by andyfras back in 2016).

    If you are out of ideas you might try this heat gun fix that is reported to have some success in reviving HDR-1000S boxes.

    | Mon 8 May 2023 14:20:27 #36 |
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    Many thanks to Andy & Martin ... will try that fix, though it sounds a little hairy. Nothing to lose at this stage. Will let you know how I get on.

    | Mon 8 May 2023 18:18:45 #37 |
  8. Fixdit


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    I have used the hot air gun trick on various graphic cards, Playstations. with better than 60% success rate. The trick I use to get the correct temperature is to place a copper (Must be one of the early ones, non magnetic) 1p or 2p piece on the chip in question. On top of this place a small piece of solder 5 mm long. Mask the board with cooking foil Carefally heat the chip/coin, when the solder melt's stop heating. Allow to cool. With a bit of luck that might do the trick.

    | Tue 9 May 2023 18:03:36 #38 |
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    Thanks for the info Fixdit ... will be trying the various suggestions later in the week

    | Wed 10 May 2023 9:31:19 #39 |
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    UPDATE ... Humax DVR T1010 1TB is stuck at “Setup will start in a few moments” following ‘Maintenance Mode’ factory reset

    Tried Andy’s Halogen lamp (50W MR11) method to heat the processors heatsink, but unfortunately nothing changed and DVR remained stuck at “Set up will start in a few moments”.

    DVR had just power and HDMI connected - a thermocouple touching the heatsink read 64°C with the DVR on, before switching-on the lamp which was suspended 65mm directly above the HS. Steady HS temp with the DVR and lamp ON was 100°C +/-1°C during the 35 mins test (I didn’t have any liquid flux, which Andy suggested using). Processor/DVR thermal protection didn’t kick-in, so the DVR remained on and in the “Set up will start ...” state though I could hear the drive spinning (quietly). After 35 mins, DVR was switched off and the HS temp checked after a further 15 mins, to see what contribution the lamp gave - measured 57°C, which included 18°C room ambient temp.

    Tried couple of things: unplugged drive SATA, then with SATA reconnected ran Maintenance Mode “Internet/USB” reset yet again. Interesting that after “apparently” downloading & installing firmware as before, the HUMAX screen showed ver A7.76, which is higher than the previous A7.73. However, when at the “Set up will start in a few moments” screen, as before, it failed to progress. As Andy suggested, it does appear the processor is not communicating with the hard drive.

    I then tried moving the halogen lamp closer (17mm) to the HS and the steady state temp reached 120/122°C - only ran this for about 5 mins for fear of damaging other chips and the PCB. Again, the DVR didn’t cut-out and remained at the “Set up will start ...” screen.

    Will think further about what more to try ...

    | Thu 11 May 2023 14:33:07 #40 |

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