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EPG and live TV dull but recordings OK

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    When I switched my 4000T on last night the picture on live TV (all channels) was really dull - it looked like the brightness had been turned down. Similarly the EPG was very dull and almost unreadable.

    I did a test by recording one of the dull TV programmes. When I pressed HOME to go to recordings the icons was bright as usual. When I played back the recording of the dull broadcast, the recording played back fine.

    I powered OFF and ON and the TV picture was now bright and normal and all was OK.

    It appears therefore that live TV (all channels) and EPG were being displayed at reduced brightness. However a recording was recorded at correct brightness and was displayed at correct brightness.

    At no time did I make any change of the TV brightness or contrast controls. Also I could switch between dull live TV > bright recording of that dull TV > dull live TV > bright recording of that dull live TV.

    Strange ...

    | Tue 1 Jan 2019 1:14:24 #1 |
  2. Trev


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    Not really that strange at all. That sort of thing happens fairly frequently to different people.
    It's just a computer that gets its knickers in a knot and a good old fashioned 'mains cycle induced' reboot frequently sorts it out.
    A mains cycle should always be the first 'port of call' for a miss-behaving device as frequently, that's all it needs to 'fix' it.

    | Tue 1 Jan 2019 9:08:50 #2 |
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    Yes Trev, these odd things happen. Yesterday, I noticed that the volume bar on my 5000T was looking rather unusual and I thought the new update had been installed and that this was one of the changes. But no, still ...45. I went to standby and back on and it was back to normal.

    | Tue 1 Jan 2019 10:27:46 #3 |
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    I occasionally lose the "mute" symbol above the volume bar. Mains off/on always does the trick.
    It is very much apparent that Humax and The IT Crowd are the same company

    | Tue 1 Jan 2019 13:45:29 #4 |
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    SSThing - 6 minutes ago  » ...
    It is very much apparent that Humax and The IT Crowd are the same company

    The IT Crowd was at least entertaining. As a product I have never found my Humax 1000S boxes to be in the least entertaining. More like... disappointing, frustrating, exasperating, irritating, maddening, annoying, baffling and other "ings". Reliable, yes definitely. I hope they stay that way until the non-Humax G3 boxes are about 2 years in from launch, and all the bugs are apparent, when I might buy.

    | Tue 1 Jan 2019 14:00:45 #5 |
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    I did a bit of digging. The wiki article on soft errors is interesting:

    There are two types of soft errors, chip-level soft error and system-level soft error.

    Chip-level soft errors occur when particles hit the chip, e.g., when the radioactive atoms in the chip's material decay and release alpha particles into the chip. Because the alpha particle contains a positive charge and kinetic energy, the particle can hit a memory cell and cause the cell to change state to a different value. The atomic reaction in this example is so tiny that it does not damage the physical structure of the chip.

    System-level soft errors occur when the data being processed is hit with a noise phenomenon, typically when the data is on a data bus. The computer tries to interpret the noise as a data bit, which can cause errors in addressing or processing program code. The bad data bit can even be saved in memory and cause problems at a later time.

    Errors can also be induced by cosmic rays striking chips. I know that electronics for use in satellites etc uses specialised "radiation hardened" chips.

    | Tue 1 Jan 2019 14:33:25 #6 |
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    Having spent a long career in Telecommunications, Electronics and Computing and experience in the full spectrum from manufacturing through programming to world-wide project implementation I read that wiki article and in the context of consumer electronics I had a hearty laugh.

    | Tue 1 Jan 2019 14:44:15 #7 |
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    As we are unlikely to be mind readers you might want to tell us why you laughed.

    I presume it was because you understand that consumer electronics are not protected against soft errors.

    Or was it because you did not believe the article?

    | Tue 1 Jan 2019 16:10:59 #8 |
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    JohnH77 - 26 minutes ago  » 
    As we are unlikely to be mind readers you might want to tell us why you laughed.
    I presume it was because you understand that consumer electronics are not protected against soft errors.
    Or was it because you did not believe the article?

    In the context of consumer electronics the article is nonsense. The reason you have problems with Humax boxes is simple, the hardware design and software coding are both very poorly implemented. They are the only boxes I have ever purchased that have given the level of problems that I have encountered.

    | Tue 1 Jan 2019 16:40:20 #9 |
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    In what way is the article nonsense for consumer electronics?

    | Tue 1 Jan 2019 17:27:31 #10 |

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