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Forum down Sunday 21st April for migration

(47 posts)
  1. paulburke


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    How do you mark all as read?

    | Thu 25 Apr 2019 11:34:12 #21 |
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    paulburke - 1 hour ago  » 
    How do you mark all as read?

    That is a question I have asked before, but it appears that the only way is by opening each topic one by one.

    | Thu 25 Apr 2019 12:45:50 #22 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    I have had this before but not for a long time. Unable to login using Chrome but changing to FireFox works OK.

    | Thu 25 Apr 2019 15:43:21 #23 |
  4. paulburke


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    A1944 - 3 hours ago  » 

    paulburke - 1 hour ago  » 
    How do you mark all as read?

    That is a question I have asked before, but it appears that the only way is by opening each topic one by one.

    Shame, but thanks.

    | Thu 25 Apr 2019 15:46:31 #24 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    grahamlthompson - 1 hour ago  » 
    I have had this before but not for a long time. Unable to login using Chrome but changing to FireFox works OK.

    Back working again, guessing some duff data on a dns server somewhere.

    | Thu 25 Apr 2019 16:55:52 #25 |
  6. super-admin


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    Trev - 1 day ago  » 
    Interesting. Now getting a mix of italics and Bold.

    Sorry for the confusion - I have been making modifications. The 'unread' plugin has these two settings:

    unread_posts {color:#0000AA;font-style:italic;} // optional style for topics read with new posts
    unread_login {color:#000080;font-weight:bold;} // optional style for topics with new posts since last login

    I hope this is clear Only joking...

    Topics (that you have read - i.e. clicked on to get to the posts) titles with new posts will appear italicised in a deep blue. Topics titles that are in bold with a lighter blue are posts with new topics since your last login...

    It is not just random or intermittent but logical madness of this plugin There will be some improvements made to this plugin, but it won't be any time soon... If you want to speed up development you can provide incentive with a donation (the money does not go to me, but to the hosting of this site)...

    A1944 - 7 hours ago  » 

    paulburke - 1 hour ago  » 
    How do you mark all as read?

    That is a question I have asked before, but it appears that the only way is by opening each topic one by one.

    The plugin does have this option, but deciding where to put this 'option' is tricky at the moment... I will implement this soon, but then again, I am thinking of coding some sort of user (selectable) options to allow displaying of topics (new/read/unread/section specific order/etc) of choice... If so, this will take some time... (there are other forum related priorities - and who said quoting was a nightmare?).

    | Thu 25 Apr 2019 19:59:31 #26 |
  7. super-admin


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    grahamlthompson - 3 hours ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 1 hour ago  » 
    I have had this before but not for a long time. Unable to login using Chrome but changing to FireFox works OK.

    Back working again, guessing some duff data on a dns server somewhere.

    I wonder if you are with Virgin... I am and had a whole load of issues when migrating the forums. In the end I had to configure both my desktop and mobile to use or as DNS servers as the Virgin's own DNS couldn't server out the new forums IP at all...

    | Thu 25 Apr 2019 20:22:22 #27 |
  8. Trev


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    super-admin - 13 hours ago  »  and who said quoting was a nightmare?).

    I did. And it still is. With all these blockquotes and cites etc.
    I'm used to a construct like {quote="FRED"} quoted text{/quote} but with square brackets.

    But thanks for the explanation of the bold/italics. I'll give it another twelve or thirteen readings to try to understand the difference.

    | Fri 26 Apr 2019 9:56:32 #28 |


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    This morning I see a lot of white space on the forum thread lists. (EDGE & IE).
    Are you still tinkering?

    | Sun 28 Apr 2019 6:18:34 #29 |
  10. super-admin


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    It is the weekend so I am likely to be tinkering but have not touched the forum thread list.

    If you have not visited for a while, it could be browser caching. Press ctrl-F5 to completely refresh the page.

    The forum thread list should look like the latest discussions. I've unified the table format. It should look like Trev's post above in terms of spacing. If you are seeing something different, post a screengrab for me to look at.

    Edit 1: Nevermind, I see now... Fixing...
    Edit 2: Fixed... not a clue what happened...

    | Sun 28 Apr 2019 7:59:17 #30 |

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