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FVP 4000T Remote Control

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    I had my replacement in the post, today. Didn't get any notification that it was coming though?
    I had three human boxes working before and knew how to reprogram to use it.
    At the moment it seems to work! If anything fails I will repost.

    | Fri 4 Aug 2017 16:43:40 #21 |
  2. RogerB


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    I have today received a new RM-L08 remote which I asked for as the OK button on the last one (paired 25 April this year) became very unresponsive and many others developed a considerable lag. R-

    | Fri 4 Aug 2017 18:03:06 #22 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    furkin - 6 hours ago  » 
    Are there any details anywhere about the differences between the code numbers 1~6 ?

    There is no functional difference between the code numbers. They are provided to allow multiple Humax devices to co-exist without the remotes conflicting.

    | Fri 4 Aug 2017 18:19:30 #23 |
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    Cheers Martin.

    | Sat 5 Aug 2017 9:26:27 #24 |
  5. Gobbl


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    Received another replacement remote today, this is my 5th since I bought the LM-08 the week they went on sale in 2016. The one I got 3 months ago was supposed to be one of the improved versions, but as normal it only lasted 3 months. I have my fingers crossed for this one, otherwise I will update this thread again.

    | Sat 5 Aug 2017 18:13:51 #25 |
  6. RogerB


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    Regrettably the same experience here. My RM-L08 paired 25 April started to play up about 4 weeks ago. New RM-L08 (my 2nd) arrived yesterday (FOC). Let's see. R-

    | Sat 5 Aug 2017 19:58:09 #26 |
  7. clairehen


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    I know we shouldn't be forced to make a purchase to replace a faulty design, but if you get to the end of your tether, just buy the RM3056 as mentioned in my first post. I've uploaded a photo (with apologies for the quality). However, take a look at the button names, which include one for Netflix. OK, the layout is different, but my stress levels are so much lower! It's currently selling online for £11.99. I'm not connected with the makers, but I use mine all the time and it's response is definitely better. Update on the 4000t itself: working well, no problems with the performance. Sometimes the tv and recorder get confused when switching on. I think that tends to be the order in which I have switched off using 2 remotes, which impacts on the order in which I should switch on the next time (if that makes sense). So overall, still very satisfied, despite the lack of folder functionality

    | Wed 16 Aug 2017 19:47:47 #27 |
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    My forth remote has gone t\|ts up - as usual.
    This is a RM-L08. Every now and then, any button will turn the set off.

    I'm also getting some jitters when watching the live-through images. Obviously checked the live TV, and it's fine.

    Another line to humax seems warranted. Of course, I'm using someone else's cast off, so I have no idea what was wrong with it their hands !

    Garbage item - garbage help (Humax, not you guys).


    Admin Edit: post moved from sd recorders section to here as RM-L08 is used with FVP 4000T

    | Fri 22 Sep 2017 12:24:34 #28 |
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    Joined: Feb '17
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    I'm currently on my second RM-L08. (Original purchased January 2017, replacement received April 2017.)
    The same problem has gradually reasserted itself over time - OK button and surrounding arrow buttons not getting a response from the FVP-4000T. It may take five or more presses to get the red light to flash and the box to respond. I've learnt to wait a second between button presses, but the response is still unsatisfactory.
    We've tried changing the batteries, but no change, so it's not the batteries. The box responds instantly to a generic smartphone app, so the box isn't at fault.
    I've contacted Humax, in the hope that they'll send a new remote out under warranty...

    | Tue 14 Nov 2017 11:09:09 #29 |
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    Good Luck.
    As above, i'm now on my fourth and it still plays up.

    I wonder if Humax considered & tried the RM3056 as mentioned by clair (rhet).

    In my opinion there are far too many failures to consider theirs as a successful controller. It's not as though they don't know about it.

    I do wish that Topfield would come through again.

    | Wed 15 Nov 2017 12:47:41 #30 |

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