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FVP 5000T refuses to start.

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    My 5000T works perfectly (apart from its appalling slowness). I have "Automatic Power Down" and "Power Saving Mode" turned off, although I don't know if that makes any difference.

    I just turn it off with the remote at about 4 AM every night and it always starts recording news bulletins from 8 AM onwards, while I'm still asleep.

    | Fri 21 Dec 2018 22:56:16 #11 |
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    Marius - 1 day ago  » 
    My 5000T works perfectly (apart from its appalling slowness). I have "Automatic Power Down" and "Power Saving Mode" turned off, although I don't know if that makes any difference.
    I just turn it off with the remote at about 4 AM every night and it always starts recording news bulletins from 8 AM onwards, while I'm still asleep.

    What happens if you don't physically use the box for a few days to a week?

    | Sun 23 Dec 2018 12:20:19 #12 |
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    Don't know, I have never tried leaving it.
    Having switched off all power saving it worked for about 24 hours and again froze last night with the Red LED on, refusing to respond to the remote or the power button. This morning I pulled the power cord and reinserted it and it restarted ok.
    I am not sure if my wife powered it off last night before it froze or not but it should have restarted without a problem.
    I have to think that they replaced my original box with a previously retuned faulty unit, which on quick inspection would look ok. I can't believe that new boxes are like this.

    | Sun 23 Dec 2018 12:39:32 #13 |
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    Ive posted this before,try new batteries in the remote control,the supplied batteries with the Humax box are rubbish.Brand new Duracell bateries made my 5000 box work properly,I was on the point of dumping the Humax.I am not joking. Just because the light comes on on the remote conrol with a button pressed, do not assume all is well,try the battery change.What have you got to loose????You have spent over £200 on the humax the two batteries are what 30p each. A battery change worked for me the Humax is working better now than when I bought it some 3 months ago.

    | Sun 23 Dec 2018 15:34:57 #14 |
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    just changed the batteries ( New Duracell) and still no difference. Box stuck with purple leds indicating recording. This is after rebooting this morning.
    The reason I didn't try it before is that I usually use a Logitech rechargeable but I had tried that and the original HUmax.

    | Sun 23 Dec 2018 16:08:30 #15 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    ranfurlyray - 2 minutes ago  » 
    The reason I didn't try it before is that I usually use a Logitech rechargeable but I had tried that and the original HUmax.

    Rechargeable batteries are not a good idea in remotes as the voltage isn't high enough for reliable operation. Does the Humax respond to the power button on the top of the case?

    | Sun 23 Dec 2018 16:13:24 #16 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    TrancePants - 4 hours ago  » 

    Marius - 1 day ago  » 
    My 5000T works perfectly (apart from its appalling slowness). I have "Automatic Power Down" and "Power Saving Mode" turned off, although I don't know if that makes any difference.
    I just turn it off with the remote at about 4 AM every night and it always starts recording news bulletins from 8 AM onwards, while I'm still asleep.

    What happens if you don't physically use the box for a few days to a week?

    Turning off power saving mode makes no difference unless you use the rf loopthrough.

    | Sun 23 Dec 2018 16:35:04 #17 |
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    The only thing I can suggest now is to get it going any way you can and do a makers reset.You will loose any recorded programmes it has on its disc.It is a computer we all know how good they are sometimes!!!Try to destroy its memory.

    The lights on my 5000 show red all the time when switched on,it shows blue when switched on/in use the purple colour talked about on this forum is a mix of red light(power on)and blue colour light (in use or just recording).It is not a purple light on my model.Just a mix of the two colours.

    Good luck if all fails have a chat to Humax after Christmas/ new year,you are a paying customer after all is said and done.

    | Sun 23 Dec 2018 18:52:35 #18 |
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    kenjohn - 47 minutes ago  » 
    The only thing I can suggest now is to get it going any way you can and do a makers reset.You will loose any recorded programmes it has on its disc.

    Although the latest FVP-5000T does state that recordings will be lost according to other posts on, or even Humax support, this is not what happens in practice.

    An example:

    redmic - 11 months ago  » 
    Humax Rerply
    I want you to follow this exact set of instructions below. I am using sutton coldfield as the transmitter to test.
    Please NOTE: System settings such as screen ratio will be reset and your schedule will be deleted but recorded programmes will be saved.
    · Press the Home/Freeview play button on the remote
    · Using the directional buttons move up and select Settings
    · Select System Settings then Factory Default
    · Choose Reset All Settings with the OK button
    · Select ‘YES’
    · Enter Password 0000
    · The unit will restart, please allow up to 2 minutes for this to happen

    | Sun 23 Dec 2018 19:49:44 #19 |
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    Hi Luke
    thanks for your help, but I did this several times with the original box which only made a difference for a short time. It was the only suggestion that support ever came up with.
    This is a replacement box which I have only had for a few weeks. Support have not responded to my requests for help so will be on the phone tomorrow looking for another replacement. Hopefully they will send me a new box which works. When they offered to replace the original I suggested they should not waste there, or my time unless they had a box that would work. Well they wasted my time.

    JUst tried again. and it still won't come on.

    | Sun 23 Dec 2018 20:00:57 #20 |

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