My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

FVR-4000T screen extents

(14 posts)
  1. Barry


    senior admin
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    This is what it looks like on my Sony connected via HDMI:


    1. Test_Card.jpg (1831 KB, 0 downloads) 9 years old
    | Mon 14 Dec 2015 10:17:35 #11 |
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    Yep I expect that the HDMI output fills the screen correctly. My problem is with the composite video outputs (which I am forced to use because my TV does not have HDMI input).


    | Mon 14 Dec 2015 10:34:01 #12 |
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    See HDR-FOX T2 - Cannot see icon saying "Reserved" in guide where I could not see part of the picture on my Sony Trinitron.

    The solution was to search the Internet for the Service Codes for the Remote Control which gave access to the Service Menu where I was able to adjust the picture. It was still a bit of a compromise.

    I really liked my Sony but, despite its working perfectly and its gorgeous picture quality, I binned it - you can buy them on eBay for £5 - and replaced it with a large flat panel - and never regretted it. I wrote the instructions for changing the picture in the manual and that went with it ...

    | Fri 5 Feb 2016 18:11:38 #13 |
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    junior member
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    I get exactly the same thing.

    I use the RCA connectors, connected to a modulator, to send the signal to several different TVs in different rooms.

    I assume this is just something I have to put up with, it's not that much of an issue really.

    One slight problem, after loading the test card, I couldn't get any normal video to appear on the screen, but somehow it seems to have sorted it's self out now.

    | Tue 8 Mar 2016 0:11:25 #14 |

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