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Guide defaults to HD channels

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    jaeger - 52 minutes ago  » 
    Strangely my 5000 had started to default to HD even if I go through the
    procedure of selecting TV then an SD station, next day HD is the default.
    For some reason (maybe I did it) the timer power on was not only set to
    BBC 101 but HD selected, I've changing it to TV (choices are TV, radio, HD)

    Have a close look at Post 7 in this thread.
    I followed it very carefully a couple of months ago and it has been stable since then

    | Thu 11 Apr 2019 17:55:27 #11 |
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    I've known about the Humax idiosyncrasy of selecting TV/HD from the guide and having to actually select a SD channel for it to become the default, but after having to do a factory reset HD became the default at timer power on no matter how often the procedure was carried out, this is when I discovered that you can select HD to become the default from timer power on which in my case it had ~ you can select SD or HD (or even radio) to be the default EPG regardless of what channel you select
    at timer P/On

    | Thu 11 Apr 2019 18:17:28 #12 |
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    I suddenly could see only the HD programmes.

    I had the timer set to BBC1 HD for 15 min each morning so as to keep the EPG populated. I see that when I set the timer, I am offered programmes in the default Humax Favourites lists, and BBC1 HD is in the HDTV list.

    So, when the timer works, it puts the box into the HDTV Favourites list.

    My solution was to create a new favourites list (Humax called it Favourites 1) with all my programmes and to use that list when I set BBC1 HD in the timer. Hence the box gets set to see all channels.

    | Sun 26 Jul 2020 22:20:05 #13 |

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