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Hard drive issues

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    When I noticed I had no recordings I had been watching TV for a few hours before I accessed the recordings list.
    Also my box was unable to pause, rewind or record live TV.

    I have tried factory resets, power downs and replacing the HDD with new and original. Still not recognised in storage settings.

    | Mon 23 Nov 2015 13:54:31 #11 |
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    The box has the latest firmware and I have tried to overwrite with the latest firmware via a USB but it recognises its the same version and does not proceed.

    I would also like to downgrade to a previous firmware version to see if that rectifies the problem but have been unable to find on the net.

    Does anyone have a previous version?

    | Mon 23 Nov 2015 14:03:11 #12 |
  3. Barry


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    This is version 2.02.36


    1. hdr1000s_upgrade_app_UKSFAA_2.02.36_r00_rollback_2.02.07.hdf (41050.8 KB, 66 downloads) 8 years old
    | Mon 23 Nov 2015 14:10:27 #13 |
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    Barry - Great! Thank you for your quick reply. I'll try that tonight and post my findings.

    | Mon 23 Nov 2015 14:16:36 #14 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    REPASSAC - 2 hours ago  » 
    I have seen the problem with no recordings, like you it was immediately after bringing it out of standby. In my case I did not look at storage settings and did a standby cycle. This time I waited for another minute before looking at recordings and they were all back.
    Not seen the problem again but now I avoid looking at recordings right away.
    One thing you could try is to operate the unit without a hard disk then power it down and return the disk.

    I had this issue a couple of times a long time ago. However the message was no recordings, it didn't say no hard disk fund, or attach a usb disk. As yourself a power cycle restored access.

    | Mon 23 Nov 2015 15:09:58 #15 |


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    Was wondering if looking in settings storage is a factor.
    I remember playing with the Foxsat by disconnecting the HD to get it to boot, it was necessary to OK the no hard-disk message once only (the message was not repeated, if rebooted). Just speculating that the disk status might be remembered.

    Do you think the reset file might be work a try? (as it has solved issues a default has not).

    Edit: Think my no recordings message was prior to the issue of the HB-1000S which may be relevant to the message to attach a USB drive.

    | Mon 23 Nov 2015 15:27:16 #16 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    REPASSAC - 3 minutes ago  » 
    Was wondering if looking in settings storage is a factor.
    I remember playing with the Foxsat by disconnecting the HD to get it to boot, it was necessary to OK the no hard-disk message once only (the message was not repeated, if rebooted). Just speculating that the disk status might be remembered.
    Do you think the reset file might be work a try? (as it has solved issues a default has not).
    Edit: Think my no recordings message was prior to the issue of the HB-1000S which may be relevant to the message to attach a USB drive.

    I doubt the reset file will fix it, but certainly worth a try. And yes the attach a hard disk option might be some code only intended for the HB1000S. You may remember I had the internal disk mounted externally in a esata cradle on the Foxsat. You could then swap hard drives. Once you had two setup by the box, you could then swap the two with each one reading it's own recordings list. I don't think I ever booted it twice without a disk in the cradle though.

    | Mon 23 Nov 2015 15:36:42 #17 |
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    Worth a try downgrading but still no joy!
    Going to purchase a SATA to USB converter and disconnect the internal SATA connection and route HDD to back USB connection.

    | Tue 24 Nov 2015 8:05:16 #18 |


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    I doubt it will work but worth a go.

    On another thought.

    Barry, do you have a copy of any firmware pre the issue of the HB-1000S or a current reset file?

    | Tue 24 Nov 2015 10:02:30 #19 |
  10. Barry


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    The last reset file I received was a year ago.


    1. hdr1000s_upgrade.hdf (26511 KB, 31 downloads) 8 years old
    | Tue 24 Nov 2015 10:23:36 #20 |

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