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Hard reboot reset during iPlayer use

(22 posts)
  1. Mars


    special member
    Joined: Jan '16
    Posts: 375


    It may not be relevant to this problem, but I noticed in the Google Play Store that all the Freeview Play apps (catch up apps and background apps) have recently been updated (all have a date of the 4th August, but the update must have been in the last few days).

    | Tue 14 Sep 2021 7:35:37 #21 |
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    Joined: Dec '20
    Posts: 10


    I can add a hard reboot following an exit from My5 having used More4 earlier. This was a couple of days ago. I use iPlayer reasonably frequently, this is the first reset.

    And then, about 15 minutes into watching Vigil in UHD on iPlayer it just froze and did a hard reboot. The reboot naturally caused the recoding to be aborted. Luckily iPlayer remembered where we got to.

    | Sun 19 Sep 2021 20:27:03 #22 |

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