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Has the 2000T had a software/EPG update?

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    Martin Liddle - 1 hour ago  » 

    Faust - 15 minutes ago  » 
    Do we know what the retune was even for?

    The BBC Olympics coverage. There will be another retune afterwards.

    The flaming Olympics - I spend an inordinate amount of time making sure I don't have to watch anything connected with this corrupt event throughout the month of August and yet the BBC sees fit to wipe my recording schedule.

    | Thu 28 Jul 2016 11:57:11 #11 |
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    Victor Delta - 19 minutes ago  » 
    So if we can't stop the Humax retuning itself (until a firmware fix is released - if it ever is) is there any way the average user (who doesn't have access to this D-book) can predict when a forced retune may take place? (Other than, of course, a broad guess when a major event like the Olympics is coming up.)

    The custom firmware has a hack to delete the hidden event if it's in the schedule when the HDR-FOX T2 or HD-FOX T2 is booted.

    I mentioned the d-book for just background reading. It's certainly more complex to read than to implement the custom firmware and the hack (which call 'disable-DSO' because of when a resolution to the problem was tackled).

    | Thu 28 Jul 2016 12:20:09 #12 |
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    Victor Delta

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    Luke - 1 minute ago  » 

    Victor Delta - 19 minutes ago  » 
    So if we can't stop the Humax retuning itself (until a firmware fix is released - if it ever is) is there any way the average user (who doesn't have access to this D-book) can predict when a forced retune may take place? (Other than, of course, a broad guess when a major event like the Olympics is coming up.)

    The custom firmware has a hack to delete the hidden event if it's in the schedule when the HDR-FOX T2 or HD-FOX T2 is booted.
    I mentioned the d-book for just background reading. It's certainly more complex to read than to implement the custom firmware and the hack (which call 'disable-DSO' because of when a resolution to the problem was tackled).

    So presume the answer to my question is 'no' if one's using an HDR-2000T?

    | Thu 28 Jul 2016 12:23:16 #13 |
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    My HDR-2000T in April failed to pick up the event. I'd given it away a couple of weeks before and the new owner sat watching for the pop-up which never came. As I haven't received a phone call last night I'm wondering whether it has skipped the retune again!

    | Thu 28 Jul 2016 12:31:51 #14 |
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    Why does this never happen with our HDR 1000s? Is this because it's a more advance system i.e. EPG than the Freeview model?

    | Thu 28 Jul 2016 14:56:28 #15 |
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    I too have just discovered that 2 days of recordings, which I assumed had taken place, have in fact have gone down the loo, thanks to this retune.

    I don't even remember a popup to say it had retuned, which I think used to happen? If it happens amid a fortnight in the sun, you'd come home to find damn all recorded. Really appalling.

    Is this just a Humax bug? At the very least it could be scheduled to coincide with TV listings papers, which start on a Saturday and on which day many will set the week ahead, i.e. retune in early hours of Sat morning.

    But this is a shocker. Someone ought to be very red faced about this.

    | Thu 28 Jul 2016 21:22:56 #16 |
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    There was definitely no pop up on our TV when I turned on the 2000T either, just missed recordings and a wiped schedule.

    I don't know who is to blame but it simply isn't good enough. The fact that no one can even be bothered to offer a simple apology to customers says to all really.

    | Thu 28 Jul 2016 22:01:18 #17 |
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    Roy22 - 25 minutes ago  » I don't even remember a popup to say it had retuned, which I think used to happen?

    The pop-up occurs just before the retune and asks if you want to retune. If you don't respond then it defaults to retune now after 2 or 3 minutes.

    Roy22 - 25 minutes ago  » If it happens amid a fortnight in the sun, you'd come home to find damn all recorded. Really appalling.

    Very unlikely to happen when it is left alone. The retune happens when the pop-up times out. No pop-up then no retune. No switch on then no pop-up then no retune.

    Roy22 - 25 minutes ago  » 
    Is this just a Humax bug?

    It's a design feature.

    Roy22 - 25 minutes ago  » 
    At the very least it could be scheduled to coincide with TV listings papers, which start on a Saturday and on which day many will set the week ahead, i.e. retune in early hours of Sat morning.

    That could be a lot worse. Humax don't have an influence on the network changes and neither do they control the broadcast event which includes the earliest date/time that the set top box could take action.
    The simplest change would be to change the default to 'Retune later' (which when I select on a 2000T I no longer get the pop-up but still do get any separate broadcast reminders.)

    | Thu 28 Jul 2016 22:07:49 #18 |
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    Luke you state the following -

    Very unlikely to happen when it is left alone. The retune happens when the pop-up times out. No pop-up then no retune. No switch on then no pop-up then no retune.

    Our box had been in standby - it was supposed to record in standby - it hadn't been switched on for two days. When it was switched on the programmes that should have been recorded hadn't been and the recording schedule was empty - please explain?

    | Thu 28 Jul 2016 22:27:51 #19 |
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    Victor Delta

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    Ditto - and this is the second time it's happened to me.

    Presumably when the box switches on by itself to make a scheduled recording is when the pop-up appears but, of course, there is no one to see it and react appropriately. After 2-3 minutes it should default to 'No' rather than 'Yes' (which is what currently happens)!

    Shoddy programming!

    | Thu 28 Jul 2016 23:15:11 #20 |

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