My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S

HDR 1000S Hard drive or Resistor

(46 posts)


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    Martin, I think it was the Foxsat-HDR that needed the jumper.

    | Thu 6 Aug 2020 17:06:16 #11 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    REPASSAC - 40 mins ago  » 
    Martin, I think it was the Foxsat-HDR that needed the jumper.

    That is my recollection as well.

    | Thu 6 Aug 2020 17:47:57 #12 |
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    Joined: Jul '20
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    In addition to the 1000s I have a Foxsat HDR still on its original drive. For future reference it would be useful to know which drives would be suitable replacements.

    I did spot this from Astra 2 .
    Are these straight replacements without need a jumper?

    Or should I post this in a different location on the site?

    | Thu 6 Aug 2020 17:58:34 #13 |


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    brano77 - 45 mins ago  » 
    In addition to the 1000s I have a Foxsat HDR still on its original drive. For future reference it would be useful to know which drives would be suitable replacements.
    I did spot this from Astra 2 .
    Are these straight replacements without need a jumper?
    Or should I post this in a different location on the site?

    I do not know the site but it looks OK to me, I think the issue is more if you can still find these drives.

    A jumper is easy to find on any only PC, where you can find spares placed on only on of the two pins.

    | Thu 6 Aug 2020 18:46:28 #14 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    brano77 - 2 hours ago  » 
    I did spot this from Astra 2 .
    Are these straight replacements without need a jumper?

    That article looks to me to be pretty old and I doubt you will find any of those drives new.

    | Thu 6 Aug 2020 20:19:44 #15 |
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    For information. I sourced a new Seagate ST3500312CS - same model as existing HDD.

    Before I put it in the Humax I connected it to my desktop and Chromebook using my new USB Sata cable. Was not recognised :cry:. I put the new drive in my Humax and no request to format hard drive - same problems as before


    1. The usb sata cable I obtained is the wrong spec or faulty. This is what I got

    2. The problem with the Humax is the resistor issue therefore it is now only of use as a Freesat receiver.

    3. I now have two back-up HDD's for my Foxsat HDR

    | Mon 10 Aug 2020 15:14:46 #16 |
  7. Trev


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    Presumably you did connect the 12V supply as well as the USB connector?

    | Mon 10 Aug 2020 15:25:49 #17 |
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    Yes using an adaptor I have - Output 12v 200mA. Both new and old drives circuit boards felt warm but could not detect disc spinning.

    | Mon 10 Aug 2020 15:30:10 #18 |
  9. Trev


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    Motor is 12V and from Seagate spec
    Startup current 12V-peak (typical) 2.0A Hmmm.
    If the HDD is not mounted, when it is running and you try to twist it, you will feel a strong gyroscopic effect (resistance to twist) You can't miss it.

    | Mon 10 Aug 2020 15:36:52 #19 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    brano77 - 1 hour ago  » 
    For information. I sourced a new Seagate ST3500312CS - same model as existing HDD.

    What is the part number (the bit after P/N on the drive label)? There are an awful lot of variants and some are compatible and some are not.

    | Mon 10 Aug 2020 16:41:45 #20 |

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