My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S

HDR 1000s Keeps rebooting.

(343 posts)
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    No update is available. Last updated 16/7/2016.

    I tried powering off and on again. Not certain yet if this has resolved the rebooting.

    | Wed 18 Jan 2017 10:16:33 #301 |
  2. Barry


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    No update is required.

    Units just need to re-negotiate connection to freesat servers which is why I advised yesterday to put units into standby for a few minutes then reboot - this advice was later confirmed by Humax Towers as the correct course of action.

    You can of course carry out a factory reset if you so desire, this will clear the cache and re-negotiate a connection.

    | Wed 18 Jan 2017 10:26:26 #302 |
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    Following the advice by Barry yesterday, at 3 p.m. (UK time) I switched my 1100S off, and back on again. No surprise reboots at all yesterday. And reboots have been a daily occurance for months.

    And relax...

    Barry, thanks again for the heads up.

    (a faster resolution would have been nice, Humax)

    | Wed 18 Jan 2017 10:31:08 #303 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    hifidez - 24 seconds ago  » 
    Following the advice by Barry yesterday, at 3 p.m. (UK time) I switched my 1100S off, and back on again. No surprise reboots at all yesterday. And reboots have been a daily occurance for months.
    And relax...
    Barry, thanks again for the heads up.
    (a faster resolution would have been nice, Humax)

    Humax had nothing to do with the issue. The problem was down to Freesat, hence no software update required.

    | Wed 18 Jan 2017 10:32:42 #304 |
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    Oops, correction... "a faster resolution would have been nice, Freesat!"


    | Wed 18 Jan 2017 11:10:32 #305 |
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    However, in my defense, Humax said to me "Both Humax and Freesat are working towards resolving this issue currently and a software release is planned".

    "a software release is planned" did lead me to think and assume it was a Humax issue.

    | Wed 18 Jan 2017 11:13:59 #306 |
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    hifidez - 1 hour ago  » ..."a software release is planned" did lead me to think and assume it was a Humax issue.

    The s/w is owned and developed by Freesat. Humax only have responsibility for the h/w. Crazy business model which is why we have so many problems.

    | Wed 18 Jan 2017 12:32:16 #307 |
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    No posts for a while so have the reboots stopped, I haven't had any myself lately but I've only watched a few hours of tv so far. I was slightly sceptical about this being a Freesat server problem because my box ISN'T connected.

    | Sat 21 Jan 2017 10:13:37 #308 |
  9. grahamlthompson


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    Reffub - 8 minutes ago  » 
    No posts for a while so have the reboots stopped, I haven't had any myself lately but I've only watched a few hours of tv so far. I was slightly sceptical about this being a Freesat server problem because my box ISN'T connected.

    Freesat servers presumably provide the data for the epg and showcase viewing recommendations for upload to 28.2E (and likely other data critical to the correct operation of the box). Last time we lost the showcase and on demand icons it was down to Freesat server issues.

    So far not seen any reports of further re-boots on any of the thread about this issue that I look at.

    | Sat 21 Jan 2017 10:26:05 #309 |
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    I don't think it has rebooted since the update (or fix) was applied.

    Good news!!

    | Mon 23 Jan 2017 9:27:20 #310 |

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