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HDR 1000s Recordings Gone & Disc Not Recognised

(34 posts)


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    stevREDBOY - 3 mnths ago  » 
    Hello Lucas. I have just joined this forum as my box ( Model HDR-1000s/10105 ) will not record, pause or rewind. I`ve had the hard drive tested and assured its o.k. So it must be something else wrong. Any idea what could be at fault?
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    In system settings > Storage settings what message do you get?
    IS it the connect a hard-disk message?

    | Mon 23 Dec 2019 19:48:45 #11 |
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    Have sent my 1010s Humax box away to Digi repairs. Cannot access hard drive, but I can see the three partitions when I connect it to my PC via USB. I substituted an older disk from a faulty unit and it did not work at first, but a few days ago it allowed me to format the older disk, which did two recordings, I watched one then it went faulty again. I put the box in a cold room for several hours, if the fault was a resistor, the cold may have sorted the problem, but it did not. Hopefully the box will be returned in two weeks or so.

    | Fri 17 Jan 2020 17:12:06 #12 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    flashford - 40 mins ago  » 
    Have sent my 1010s Humax box away to Digi repairs. Hopefully the box will be returned in two weeks or so.

    Please let us know how it works out.

    | Fri 17 Jan 2020 17:53:14 #13 |
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    The SATA controller on my box has failed.

    I connected an external USB drive to the rear USB port and was able to format the disk.

    However I have failed despite many attempts to record programmes on this diskdrive.

    Can anyone advise on how to direct recordings to the external drive.


    | Mon 27 Jan 2020 14:40:09 #14 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    AAJ - 1 hour ago  » 
    The SATA controller on my box has failed.
    I connected an external USB drive to the rear USB port and was able to format the disk.
    However I have failed despite many attempts to record programmes on this diskdrive.
    Can anyone advise on how to direct recordings to the external drive.

    You can't only the single tuner HB-xxxxS can record to a usb drive.

    | Mon 27 Jan 2020 16:35:55 #15 |
  6. andyfras


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    My HDR-1010S has now lost contact with its disk. It happened during playback yesterday. After trying the usual reboots and power cycles, I removed the disk and connected it to the USB. It sees the disk but only offers the options to remove or to format, so I can't play anything from it.

    I checked the capacitors, and found a slightly out of spec (ESR) 220uF @ 16V near the disk power connector on the MB. I changed it, but still no disk.

    I'm dubious about the resistor rumour; I think it's more likely to be an unleaded solder failure, probably under the main chip which will suffer constant heat cycling.

    I'll persevere for a while and report back if I find a solution.

    | Fri 20 Mar 2020 14:42:08 #16 |
  7. andyfras


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    I think I may have found the problem, but I haven't fixed it yet. About 4cm directly behind the scart, there's a buck regulator, which I think should be providing 1.2V, but it's below 1V. I get a reading of about 15 ohms across its output. I've checked the corresponding circuit on a DTR-1000 and that measures about 150 ohms. There are 6 capacitors of varying values in parallel across the output, so I removed each one and checked it, but all were OK. I then removed the switching MOSFET, but that was OK too. This leaves the buck chip itself, which I don't feel confident about removing, and the following circuitry (I haven't yet worked out where it goes, probably somewhere on the main processor).

    | Sat 21 Mar 2020 14:47:38 #17 |
  8. andyfras


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    I contacted Humax to see if I could get any clues, but they were unhelpful as usual. The suggestion was to buy a new box, but all Freesat models are shown as out of stock. When I queried this, I was told that they no longer make Freesat boxes. I looked on eBay, and the prices reflect this; some are asking up to £400 for an HDR-1100S! What are they thinking?

    I've ordered a used Foxsat HDR from eBay, while I work out what to do with the 1010S.

    | Thu 26 Mar 2020 15:57:50 #18 |
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    I am working on a Humax HDR-1000s at present. According to my notes, on one site a user reported that "The repair ticket before collection stated that the box needed a resistor change, showing that humax as some knowledge of the issue and repair centre confirmed this by changing a 120k resistor and returned the box after about a week."
    So that is the approach I am taking- but not yet identifed the relevant resistor...

    | Tue 31 Mar 2020 10:34:41 #19 |
  10. Trev


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    But at least you know its value. Which is a lot better than the previous "It's a resistor".

    | Tue 31 Mar 2020 13:56:09 #20 |

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