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HDR 1100s remote control not working.

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    Hi, new user here, seems there's a fix already for this but my fix is this which has worked 3 times now on a non responding remote for foxsat HDR, I used a battery tester (handheld one for aa batteries)with continuity tester, and touched the bottom two contacts of remote control battery compartment with batteries out untill tester beeped and my problem was solved, I discovered by accident as I was making sure a circuit was being made..weird

    | Thu 13 Sep 2018 9:22:00 #21 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    CavemanJust - 11 minutes ago  » 
    I used a battery tester (handheld one for aa batteries)with continuity tester, and touched the bottom two contacts of remote control battery compartment with batteries out untill tester beeped and my problem was solved

    I think that is just a minor variation on the normal remote reset procedure of removing the batteries and holding down a key until the activity LED stops working.

    | Thu 13 Sep 2018 9:35:43 #22 |
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    Twice in the last two months since they've owned it, the remote control on my parents' HDR-1100S has stopped working. Both times it was fixed by pulling out the batteries. We'll be asking for a replacement remote control.

    This didn't happen once in the 8 years they've owned a Foxsat-HDR, so I wonder if this is a larger manufacturing defect at play here?

    | Sun 14 Oct 2018 17:12:38 #23 |
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    I'm on my second remote with our HDR1000s and that has recently developed an odd behaviour.

    When I press fast forward it only goes at X2 no matter how many times I press it. However, I've found if I wait about 10 to 15 secs the extra button presses kick in and the machine then goes fast forward by how many button presses I applied.

    Very odd, though I'm thinking it's the machine that's at fault not the remote.

    | Mon 15 Oct 2018 10:08:32 #24 |
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    Hi there, I agree that there's something odd afoot with this remote.

    I have 2 Humax boxes and recently the remote of the newer one started locking out.

    I followed the excellent post by the former admin re: removing the batteries and pressing '0' and 'OK' for 30 seconds.

    Which worked... but then it started happening 3 or 4 times a day. FRUSTRATING!!!

    So I swapped back to the older remote (which locked out very rarely) and now IT has started locking out continuously like the newer one.

    Begs the question, is this behaviour being somehow 'transmitted' from the Humax box itself?

    Logic says 'No' but the facts appear to be different.Any ideas?

    Thanks, Norm.

    | Tue 26 May 2020 6:26:44 #25 |
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    michael owen

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    On our Humax 1100sHDR we had some Planned Recordings but today when I tried to open Planned Recordings, it came back 'No recordings planned' so we have lost them. Any ideas please

    | Thu 13 Aug 2020 14:30:56 #26 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    michael owen - 9 mins ago  » 
    On our Humax 1100sHDR we had some Planned Recordings but today when I tried to open Planned Recordings, it came back 'No recordings planned' so we have lost them. Any ideas please

    Are you sure you didn't press recordings. If you have a lot of existing recordings it can take a while to populate the list. This may be the cause of your box saying no scheduled recordings. Go back to live TV and try again.

    | Thu 13 Aug 2020 14:43:35 #27 |


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    If Grahams suggestion does not do the trick restart the unit and wait two minutes after boot before checking.

    | Thu 13 Aug 2020 14:46:47 #28 |
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    michael owen

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    I was on Live TV when I pressed Recordings to see what we have still to watch, then I scrolled to Planned Recordings and that showed as 'No Recordings Planned'. This is not the first time this has happened. The box is approx; 7 years old so what is the life of one of these boxes.

    | Thu 13 Aug 2020 15:10:10 #29 |


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    A reset or (i think) a freesat tune, will clear planned recordings.
    I doubt that your problem has anything to do with the age of your unit.

    | Thu 13 Aug 2020 15:34:31 #30 |

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